Source code for boofuzz.sessions.session

import datetime
import errno
import itertools
import logging
import os
import pickle
import socket
import threading
import time
import traceback
import warnings
import zlib
from builtins import input
from io import open

from tornado.httpserver import HTTPServer
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.wsgi import WSGIContainer

from boofuzz import (
from boofuzz.exception import BoofuzzFailure
from boofuzz.monitors import CallbackMonitor
from boofuzz.mutation_context import MutationContext
from boofuzz.protocol_session import ProtocolSession
from import app
from .connection import Connection
from .session_info import SessionInfo
from .web_app import WebApp

def open_test_run(db_filename, port=constants.DEFAULT_WEB_UI_PORT, address=constants.DEFAULT_WEB_UI_ADDRESS):
    s = SessionInfo(db_filename=db_filename)
    w = WebApp(session_info=s, web_port=port, web_address=address)

[docs] class Session(pgraph.Graph): """ Extends pgraph.graph and provides a container for architecting protocol dialogs. Args: session_filename (str): Filename to serialize persistent data to. Default None. index_start (int); First test case index to run index_end (int); Last test case index to run sleep_time (float): Time in seconds to sleep in between tests. Default 0. restart_interval (int): Restart the target after n test cases, disable by setting to 0 (default). console_gui (bool): Use curses to generate a static console screen similar to the webinterface. Has not been tested under Windows. Default False. crash_threshold_request (int): Maximum number of crashes allowed before a request is exhausted. Default 12. crash_threshold_element (int): Maximum number of crashes allowed before an element is exhausted. Default 3. restart_sleep_time (int): Time in seconds to sleep when target can't be restarted. Default 5. restart_callbacks (list of method): The registered method will be called after a failed post_test_case_callback Default None. restart_threshold (int): Maximum number of retries on lost target connection. Default None (indefinitely). restart_timeout (float): Time in seconds for that a connection attempt should be retried. Default None (indefinitely). pre_send_callbacks (list of method): The registered method will be called prior to each fuzz request. Default None. post_test_case_callbacks (list of method): The registered method will be called after each fuzz test case. Default None. post_start_target_callbacks (list of method): Method(s) will be called after the target is started or restarted, say, by a process monitor. web_port (int or None): Port for monitoring fuzzing campaign via a web browser. Set to None to disable the web app. Default 26000. keep_web_open (bool): Keep the webinterface open after session completion. Default True. fuzz_loggers (list of ifuzz_logger.IFuzzLogger): For saving test data and results.. Default Log to STDOUT. fuzz_db_keep_only_n_pass_cases (int): Minimize disk usage by only saving passing test cases if they are in the n test cases preceding a failure or error. Set to 0 to save after every test case (high disk I/O!). Default 0. receive_data_after_each_request (bool): If True, Session will attempt to receive a reply after transmitting each non-fuzzed node. Default True. check_data_received_each_request (bool): If True, Session will verify that some data has been received after transmitting each non-fuzzed node, and if not, register a failure. If False, this check will not be performed. Default False. A receive attempt is still made unless receive_data_after_each_request is False. receive_data_after_fuzz (bool): If True, Session will attempt to receive a reply after transmitting a fuzzed message. Default False. ignore_connection_reset (bool): Log ECONNRESET errors ("Target connection reset") as "info" instead of failures. ignore_connection_aborted (bool): Log ECONNABORTED errors as "info" instead of failures. ignore_connection_issues_when_sending_fuzz_data (bool): Ignore fuzz data transmission failures. Default True. This is usually a helpful setting to enable, as targets may drop connections once a message is clearly invalid. ignore_connection_ssl_errors (bool): Log SSL related errors as "info" instead of failures. Default False. reuse_target_connection (bool): If True, only use one target connection instead of reconnecting each test case. Default False. target (Target): Target for fuzz session. Target must be fully initialized. Default None. db_filename (str): Filename to store sqlite db for test results and case information. Defaults to ./boofuzz-results/{uniq_timestamp}.db web_address: Address where's Boofuzz logger exposed. Default 'localhost' .. versionchanged:: 0.4.2 This class has been moved into the sessions subpackage. The full path is now boofuzz.sessions.session.Session. """ def __init__( self, session_filename=None, index_start=1, index_end=None, sleep_time=0.0, restart_interval=0, web_port=constants.DEFAULT_WEB_UI_PORT, keep_web_open=True, console_gui=False, crash_threshold_request=12, crash_threshold_element=3, restart_sleep_time=5, restart_callbacks=None, restart_threshold=None, restart_timeout=None, pre_send_callbacks=None, post_test_case_callbacks=None, post_start_target_callbacks=None, fuzz_loggers=None, fuzz_db_keep_only_n_pass_cases=0, receive_data_after_each_request=True, check_data_received_each_request=False, receive_data_after_fuzz=False, ignore_connection_reset=False, ignore_connection_aborted=False, ignore_connection_issues_when_sending_fuzz_data=True, ignore_connection_ssl_errors=False, reuse_target_connection=False, target=None, web_address=constants.DEFAULT_WEB_UI_ADDRESS, db_filename=None, ): self._ignore_connection_reset = ignore_connection_reset self._ignore_connection_aborted = ignore_connection_aborted self._ignore_connection_issues_when_sending_fuzz_data = ignore_connection_issues_when_sending_fuzz_data self._reuse_target_connection = reuse_target_connection self._ignore_connection_ssl_errors = ignore_connection_ssl_errors super(Session, self).__init__() self.session_filename = session_filename self._index_start = max(index_start, 1) self._index_end = index_end self.sleep_time = sleep_time self.restart_interval = restart_interval self.web_port = web_port self._keep_web_open = keep_web_open self.console_gui = console_gui self._crash_threshold_node = crash_threshold_request self._crash_threshold_element = crash_threshold_element self.restart_sleep_time = restart_sleep_time self.restart_threshold = restart_threshold self.restart_timeout = restart_timeout self.web_address = web_address if fuzz_loggers is None: fuzz_loggers = [] if self.console_gui and != "nt": fuzz_loggers.append( fuzz_logger_curses.FuzzLoggerCurses(web_port=self.web_port, web_address=self.web_address) ) self._keep_web_open = False else: fuzz_loggers = [fuzz_logger_text.FuzzLoggerText()] self._run_id = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat().replace(":", "-") if db_filename is not None: helpers.mkdir_safe(db_filename, file_included=True) self._db_filename = db_filename else: helpers.mkdir_safe(os.path.join(constants.RESULTS_DIR)) self._db_filename = os.path.join(constants.RESULTS_DIR, "run-{0}.db".format(self._run_id)) self._db_logger = fuzz_logger_db.FuzzLoggerDb( db_filename=self._db_filename, num_log_cases=fuzz_db_keep_only_n_pass_cases ) self._crash_filename = "boofuzz-crash-bin-{0}".format(self._run_id) self._fuzz_data_logger = fuzz_logger.FuzzLogger(fuzz_loggers=[self._db_logger] + fuzz_loggers) self._check_data_received_each_request = check_data_received_each_request self._receive_data_after_each_request = receive_data_after_each_request self._receive_data_after_fuzz = receive_data_after_fuzz self._skip_current_node_after_current_test_case = False self._skip_current_element_after_current_test_case = False self.start_time = time.time() self.end_time = None self.cumulative_pause_time = 0 if self.web_port is not None: self.web_interface_thread = self.build_webapp_thread(port=self.web_port, address=self.web_address) if pre_send_callbacks is None: pre_send_methods = [] else: pre_send_methods = pre_send_callbacks if post_test_case_callbacks is None: post_test_case_methods = [] else: post_test_case_methods = post_test_case_callbacks if post_start_target_callbacks is None: post_start_target_methods = [] else: post_start_target_methods = post_start_target_callbacks if restart_callbacks is None: restart_methods = [] else: restart_methods = restart_callbacks self._callback_monitor = CallbackMonitor( on_pre_send=pre_send_methods, on_post_send=post_test_case_methods, on_restart_target=restart_methods, on_post_start_target=post_start_target_methods, ) self.total_num_mutations = 0 # total available protocol mutations (before combining multiple mutations) self.total_mutant_index = 0 # index within all mutations iterated through, including skipped mutations self.mutant_index = 0 # index within currently mutating element self.num_cases_actually_fuzzed = 0 self.fuzz_node = None # Request object currently being fuzzed self.current_test_case_name = "" self.targets = [] self.monitor_results = {} # map of test case indices to list of crash synopsis strings (failed cases only) # map of test case indices to list of supplement captured data (all cases where data was captured) self.monitor_data = {} self.is_paused = False self.crashing_primitives = {} self.on_failure = event_hook.EventHook() # import settings if they exist. self.import_file() # create a root node. we do this because we need to start fuzzing from a single point and the user may want # to specify a number of initial requests. self.root = pgraph.Node() self.root.label = "__ROOT_NODE__" = self.root.label self.last_recv = None self.last_send = None self.add_node(self.root) if target is not None: def apply_options(monitor): monitor.set_options(crash_filename=self._crash_filename) return target.monitor_alive.append(apply_options) try: self.add_target(target) except exception.BoofuzzRpcError as e: self._fuzz_data_logger.log_error(str(e)) raise @property def netmon_results(self): raise NotImplementedError( "netmon_results is now part of monitor_results and thus can't be accessed directly." " Please update your code." )
[docs] def add_node(self, node): """ Add a pgraph node to the graph. We overload this routine to automatically generate and assign an ID whenever a node is added. Args: node (pgraph.Node): Node to add to session graph """ node.number = len(self.nodes) = len(self.nodes) if not in self.nodes: self.nodes[] = node return self
[docs] def add_target(self, target): """ Add a target to the session. Multiple targets can be added for parallel fuzzing. Args: target (Target): Target to add to session """ # pass specified target parameters to the PED-RPC server. target.monitors_alive() target.set_fuzz_data_logger(fuzz_data_logger=self._fuzz_data_logger) if self._callback_monitor not in target.monitors: target.monitors.append(self._callback_monitor) # add target to internal list. self.targets.append(target)
[docs] def connect(self, src, dst=None, callback=None): """ Create a connection between the two requests (nodes) and register an optional callback to process in between transmissions of the source and destination request. The session class maintains a top level node that all initial requests must be connected to. Example:: sess = sessions.session() sess.connect(sess.root, s_get("HTTP")) If given only a single parameter, sess.connect() will default to attaching the supplied node to the root node. This is a convenient alias. The following line is identical to the second line from the above example:: sess.connect(s_get("HTTP")) Leverage callback methods to handle situations such as challenge response systems. A callback method must follow the message signature of :meth:`Session.example_test_case_callback`. Remember to include \\*\\*kwargs for forward-compatibility. Args: src (str or Request (pgrah.Node)): Source request name or request node dst (str or Request (pgrah.Node), optional): Destination request name or request node callback (def, optional): Callback function to pass received data to between node xmits. Default None. Returns: pgraph.Edge: The edge between the src and dst. """ # if only a source was provided, then make it the destination and set the source to the root node. if dst is None: dst = src src = self.root # if source or destination is a name, resolve the actual node. if isinstance(src, str): src = self.find_node("name", src) if isinstance(dst, str): dst = self.find_node("name", dst) # if source or destination is not in the graph, add it. if src != self.root and self.find_node("name", is None: self.add_node(src) if self.find_node("name", is None: self.add_node(dst) # create an edge between the two nodes and add it to the graph. edge = Connection(,, callback) self.add_edge(edge) return edge
@property def exec_speed(self): return self.num_cases_actually_fuzzed / self.runtime @property def runtime(self): if self.end_time is not None: t = self.end_time else: t = time.time() return t - self.start_time - self.cumulative_pause_time
[docs] def export_file(self): """ Dump various object values to disk. :see: import_file() """ if not self.session_filename: return data = { "session_filename": self.session_filename, "index_start": self.total_mutant_index, "sleep_time": self.sleep_time, "restart_sleep_time": self.restart_sleep_time, "restart_interval": self.restart_interval, "web_port": self.web_port, "web_address": self.web_address, "crash_threshold": self._crash_threshold_node, "total_num_mutations": self.total_num_mutations, "total_mutant_index": self.total_mutant_index, "monitor_results": self.monitor_results, "is_paused": self.is_paused, } fh = open(self.session_filename, "wb+") fh.write(zlib.compress(pickle.dumps(data, protocol=2))) fh.close()
def _start_target(self, target): started = False for monitor in target.monitors: if monitor.start_target(): started = True break if started: for monitor in target.monitors: monitor.post_start_target(target=target, fuzz_data_logger=self._fuzz_data_logger, session=self)
[docs] def import_file(self): """ Load various object values from disk. :see: export_file() """ if self.session_filename is None: return try: with open(self.session_filename, "rb") as f: data = pickle.loads(zlib.decompress( except (IOError, zlib.error, pickle.UnpicklingError): return # update the skip variable to pick up fuzzing from last test case. self._index_start = data["total_mutant_index"] self.session_filename = data["session_filename"] self.sleep_time = data["sleep_time"] self.restart_sleep_time = data["restart_sleep_time"] self.restart_interval = data["restart_interval"] self.web_port = data["web_port"] self.web_address = data["web_address"] self._crash_threshold_node = data["crash_threshold"] self.total_num_mutations = data["total_num_mutations"] self.total_mutant_index = data["total_mutant_index"] self.monitor_results = data["monitor_results"] self.is_paused = data["is_paused"]
[docs] def num_mutations(self, max_depth=None): """ Number of total mutations in the graph. The logic of this routine is identical to that of fuzz(). See fuzz() for inline comments. The member variable self.total_num_mutations is updated appropriately by this routine. Args: max_depth (int): Maximum combinatorial depth used for fuzzing. num_mutations returns None if this value is None or greater than 1, as the number of mutations is typically very large when using combinatorial fuzzing. Returns: int: Total number of mutations in this session. """ if max_depth is None or max_depth > 1: self.total_num_mutations = None return self.total_num_mutations return self._num_mutations_recursive()
def _num_mutations_recursive(self, this_node=None, path=None): """Helper for num_mutations. Args: this_node (request (node)): Current node that is being fuzzed. Default None. path (list): Nodes along the path to the current one being fuzzed. Default []. Returns: int: Total number of mutations in this session. """ if this_node is None: this_node = self.root self.total_num_mutations = 0 if path is None: path = [] for edge in self.edges_from( next_node = self.nodes[edge.dst] self.total_num_mutations += next_node.get_num_mutations() if edge.src != path.append(edge) self._num_mutations_recursive(next_node, path) # finished with the last node on the path, pop it off the path stack. if path: path.pop() return self.total_num_mutations def _pause_if_pause_flag_is_set(self): """ If that pause flag is raised, enter an endless loop until it is lowered. """ if self.is_paused: pause_start = time.time() while 1: if self.is_paused: time.sleep(1) else: break self.cumulative_pause_time += time.time() - pause_start def _check_for_passively_detected_failures(self, target, failure_already_detected=False): """Check for and log passively detected failures. Return True if any found. Args: target (Target): Target to be checked for failures. failure_already_detected (bool): If a failure was already detected. Returns: bool: True if failures were found. False otherwise. """ has_crashed = False if len(target.monitors) > 0: self._fuzz_data_logger.open_test_step("Contact target monitors") # So, we need to run through the array two times. First, we check # if any of the monitors reported a failure and if so, we need to # gather a crash synopsis from them. We don't know whether # a monitor can provide a crash synopsis, but in any case, we'll # check. In the second run, we try to get crash synopsis from the # monitors that did not detect a crash as supplemental information. finished_monitors = [] for monitor in target.monitors: if not monitor.post_send(target=target, fuzz_data_logger=self._fuzz_data_logger, session=self): has_crashed = True self._fuzz_data_logger.log_fail( "{0} detected crash on test case #{1}: {2}".format( str(monitor), self.total_mutant_index, monitor.get_crash_synopsis() ) ) finished_monitors.append(monitor) if not has_crashed and not failure_already_detected: self._fuzz_data_logger.log_pass("No crash detected.") else: for monitor in set(target.monitors) - set(finished_monitors): synopsis = monitor.get_crash_synopsis() if len(synopsis) > 0: self._fuzz_data_logger.log_fail( "{0} provided additional information for crash on #{1}: {2}".format( str(monitor), self.total_mutant_index, monitor.get_crash_synopsis() ) ) return has_crashed def _get_monitor_data(self, target): """Query monitors for any data they may want to add to this test case. Args: target (Target): Monitor to query data from. """ for monitor in target.monitors: data = monitor.retrieve_data() if data is not None and len(data) > 0: self._fuzz_data_logger.log_info( "{0} captured {1} bytes of additional data for test case #{2}".format( str(monitor), len(data), self.total_mutant_index ) ) if self.total_mutant_index not in self.monitor_data: self.monitor_data[self.total_mutant_index] = [] self.monitor_data[self.total_mutant_index] += [data] def _process_failures(self, target): """Process any failures in self.crash_synopses. If self.crash_synopses contains any entries, perform these failure-related actions: - log failure summary if needed - save failures to self.monitor_results (for website) - exhaust node if crash threshold is reached - target restart Should be called after each fuzz test case. Args: target (Target): Target to restart if failure occurred. Returns: bool: True if any failures were found; False otherwise. """ crash_synopses = self._fuzz_data_logger.failed_test_cases.get(self._fuzz_data_logger.most_recent_test_id, []) if len(crash_synopses) > 0: self._fuzz_data_logger.open_test_step("Failure summary") # retrieve the primitive that caused the crash and increment it's individual crash count. self.crashing_primitives[self.fuzz_node.mutant] = self.crashing_primitives.get(self.fuzz_node.mutant, 0) + 1 self.crashing_primitives[self.fuzz_node] = self.crashing_primitives.get(self.fuzz_node, 0) + 1 # print crash synopsis if len(crash_synopses) > 1: # Prepend a header if > 1 failure report, so that they are visible from the main web page synopsis = "({0} reports) {1}".format(len(crash_synopses), "\n".join(crash_synopses)) else: synopsis = "\n".join(crash_synopses) self.monitor_results[self.total_mutant_index] = crash_synopses self._fuzz_data_logger.log_info(synopsis) if ( self.fuzz_node.mutant is not None and self.crashing_primitives[self.fuzz_node] >= self._crash_threshold_node ): skipped = max(0, self.fuzz_node.get_num_mutations() - self.mutant_index) self._skip_current_node_after_current_test_case = True self._fuzz_data_logger.open_test_step( "Crash threshold reached for this request, exhausting {0} mutants.".format(skipped) ) self.total_mutant_index += skipped self.mutant_index += skipped elif ( self.fuzz_node.mutant is not None and self.crashing_primitives[self.fuzz_node.mutant] >= self._crash_threshold_element ): if not isinstance(self.fuzz_node.mutant, primitives.Group) and not isinstance( self.fuzz_node.mutant, blocks.Repeat ): skipped = max(0, self.fuzz_node.mutant.get_num_mutations() - self.mutant_index) self._skip_current_element_after_current_test_case = True self._fuzz_data_logger.open_test_step( "Crash threshold reached for this element, exhausting {0} mutants.".format(skipped) ) self.total_mutant_index += skipped self.mutant_index += skipped self._restart_target(target) return True else: return False
[docs] def register_post_test_case_callback(self, method): """Register a post- test case method. The registered method will be called after each fuzz test case. Potential uses: * Closing down a connection. * Checking for expected responses. The order of callback events is as follows:: pre_send() - req - callback ... req - callback - post-test-case-callback Args: method (function): A method with the same parameters as :func:`~Session.post_send` """ self._callback_monitor.on_post_send.append(method)
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs] def example_test_case_callback(self, target, fuzz_data_logger, session, test_case_context, *args, **kwargs): """ Example call signature for methods given to :func:`~Session.connect` or :func:`~Session.register_post_test_case_callback` Args: target (Target): Target with sock-like interface. fuzz_data_logger (ifuzz_logger.IFuzzLogger): Allows logging of test checks and passes/failures. Provided with a test case and test step already opened. session (Session): Session object calling post_send. Useful properties include last_send and last_recv. test_case_context (ProtocolSession): Context for test case-scoped data. :py:class:`ProtocolSession` :py:attr:`session_variables <ProtocolSession.session_variables>` values are generally set within a callback and referenced in elements via default values of type :py:class:`ProtocolSessionReference`. args: Implementations should include \\*args and \\**kwargs for forward-compatibility. kwargs: Implementations should include \\*args and \\**kwargs for forward-compatibility. """ # default to doing nothing. self._fuzz_data_logger.log_info("No post_send callback registered.")
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def _pre_send(self, target): """ Execute custom methods to run prior to each fuzz request. The order of events is as follows:: pre_send() - req - callback ... req - callback - post_send() When fuzzing RPC for example, register this method to establish the RPC bind. Args: target ( Target we are sending data to """ for monitor in target.monitors: try: self._fuzz_data_logger.open_test_step("Monitor {}.pre_send()".format(str(monitor))) monitor.pre_send(target=target, fuzz_data_logger=self._fuzz_data_logger, session=self) except Exception: self._fuzz_data_logger.log_error( constants.ERR_CALLBACK_FUNC.format(func_name="{}.pre_send()".format(str(monitor))) + traceback.format_exc() ) def _restart_target(self, target): """ Restart the fuzz target. If a VMControl is available revert the snapshot, if a process monitor is available restart the target process. If custom restart methods are registered, execute them. Otherwise, do nothing. Args: target ( Target we are restarting Raises: exception.BoofuzzRestartFailedError: if restart fails. """ # TODO: reuse_target_connection seems to be only handled when using # a custom callback. wtf? self._fuzz_data_logger.open_test_step("Restarting target") restarted = False if len(self.on_failure) > 0: for f in self.on_failure: self._fuzz_data_logger.open_test_step("Calling registered on_failure method") f(logger=self._fuzz_data_logger) restarted = True # vm restarting is the preferred method so try that before monitors. elif target.vmcontrol: self._fuzz_data_logger.log_info("Restarting target virtual machine") target.vmcontrol.restart_target() restarted = True # we always have at least one monitor; a Callback Monitor that handles all callbacks. else: for monitor in target.monitors: self._fuzz_data_logger.log_info("Restarting target process using {}".format(monitor.__class__.__name__)) if monitor.restart_target(target=target, fuzz_data_logger=self._fuzz_data_logger, session=self): # TODO: doesn't this belong in the process monitor? self._fuzz_data_logger.log_info("Giving the process 3 seconds to settle in") time.sleep(3) restarted = True break if restarted: for monitor in target.monitors: monitor.post_start_target(target=self.targets[0], fuzz_data_logger=self._fuzz_data_logger, session=self) else: self._fuzz_data_logger.log_info( "No reset handler available... sleeping for {} seconds".format(self.restart_sleep_time) ) time.sleep(self.restart_sleep_time) # pass specified target parameters to the PED-RPC server to re-establish connections. target.monitors_alive()
[docs] def server_init(self): """Called by fuzz() to initialize variables, web interface, etc.""" if self.web_port is not None: if not self.web_interface_thread.is_alive(): # spawn the web interface. self.web_interface_thread.start()
def _callback_current_node(self, node, edge, test_case_context): """Execute callback preceding current node. Args: test_case_context (ProtocolSession): Context for test case-scoped data. node (pgraph.node.node (Node), optional): Current Request/Node edge (pgraph.edge.edge (pgraph.edge), optional): Edge along the current fuzz path from "node" to next node. Returns: bytes: Data rendered by current node if any; otherwise None. """ data = None # if the edge has a callback, process it. the callback has the option to render the node, modify it and return. if edge.callback: self._fuzz_data_logger.open_test_step("Callback function '{0}'".format(edge.callback.__name__)) data = edge.callback( self.targets[0], self._fuzz_data_logger, session=self, node=node, edge=edge, test_case_context=test_case_context, ) return data
[docs] def transmit_normal(self, sock, node, edge, callback_data, mutation_context): """Render and transmit a non-fuzzed node, process callbacks accordingly. Args: sock (Target, optional): Socket-like object on which to transmit node node (pgraph.node.node (Node), optional): Request/Node to transmit edge (pgraph.edge.edge (pgraph.edge), optional): Edge along the current fuzz path from "node" to next node. callback_data (bytes): Data from previous callback. mutation_context (MutationContext): active mutation context """ if callback_data: data = callback_data else: data = node.render(mutation_context=mutation_context) try: # send self.targets[0].send(data) self.last_send = data except exception.BoofuzzTargetConnectionReset: # TODO: Switch _ignore_connection_reset for _ignore_transmission_error, or provide retry mechanism if self._ignore_connection_reset: self._fuzz_data_logger.log_info(constants.ERR_CONN_RESET) else: raise BoofuzzFailure(message=constants.ERR_CONN_RESET) except exception.BoofuzzTargetConnectionAborted as e: # TODO: Switch _ignore_connection_aborted for _ignore_transmission_error, or provide retry mechanism msg = constants.ERR_CONN_ABORTED.format(socket_errno=e.socket_errno, socket_errmsg=e.socket_errmsg) if self._ignore_connection_aborted: self._fuzz_data_logger.log_info(msg) else: raise BoofuzzFailure(msg) except exception.BoofuzzSSLError as e: if self._ignore_connection_ssl_errors: self._fuzz_data_logger.log_info(str(e)) else: raise BoofuzzFailure(message=str(e)) try: # recv if self._receive_data_after_each_request: self.last_recv = self.targets[0].recv() if self._check_data_received_each_request: self._fuzz_data_logger.log_check("Verify some data was received from the target.") if not self.last_recv: # Assume a crash? raise BoofuzzFailure(message="Nothing received from target.") else: self._fuzz_data_logger.log_pass("Some data received from target.") except exception.BoofuzzTargetConnectionReset: if self._check_data_received_each_request: raise BoofuzzFailure(message=constants.ERR_CONN_RESET) else: self._fuzz_data_logger.log_info(constants.ERR_CONN_RESET) except exception.BoofuzzTargetConnectionAborted as e: msg = constants.ERR_CONN_ABORTED.format(socket_errno=e.socket_errno, socket_errmsg=e.socket_errmsg) if self._check_data_received_each_request: raise BoofuzzFailure(msg) else: self._fuzz_data_logger.log_info(msg) except exception.BoofuzzSSLError as e: if self._ignore_connection_ssl_errors: self._fuzz_data_logger.log_info(str(e)) else: raise BoofuzzFailure(str(e))
[docs] def transmit_fuzz(self, sock, node, edge, callback_data, mutation_context): """Render and transmit a fuzzed node, process callbacks accordingly. Args: sock (Target, optional): Socket-like object on which to transmit node node (pgraph.node.node (Node), optional): Request/Node to transmit edge (pgraph.edge.edge (pgraph.edge), optional): Edge along the current fuzz path from "node" to next node. callback_data (bytes): Data from previous callback. mutation_context (MutationContext): Current mutation context. """ if callback_data: data = callback_data else: data = self.fuzz_node.render(mutation_context) try: # send self.targets[0].send(data) self.last_send = data except exception.BoofuzzTargetConnectionReset: if self._ignore_connection_issues_when_sending_fuzz_data: self._fuzz_data_logger.log_info(constants.ERR_CONN_RESET) else: raise BoofuzzFailure(message=constants.ERR_CONN_RESET) except exception.BoofuzzTargetConnectionAborted as e: msg = constants.ERR_CONN_ABORTED.format(socket_errno=e.socket_errno, socket_errmsg=e.socket_errmsg) if self._ignore_connection_issues_when_sending_fuzz_data: self._fuzz_data_logger.log_info(msg) else: raise BoofuzzFailure(msg) except exception.BoofuzzSSLError as e: if self._ignore_connection_ssl_errors: self._fuzz_data_logger.log_info(str(e)) else: raise BoofuzzFailure(str(e)) received = b"" try: # recv if self._receive_data_after_fuzz: received = self.targets[0].recv() except exception.BoofuzzTargetConnectionReset: if self._check_data_received_each_request: raise BoofuzzFailure(message=constants.ERR_CONN_RESET) else: self._fuzz_data_logger.log_info(constants.ERR_CONN_RESET) except exception.BoofuzzTargetConnectionAborted as e: msg = constants.ERR_CONN_ABORTED.format(socket_errno=e.socket_errno, socket_errmsg=e.socket_errmsg) if self._check_data_received_each_request: raise BoofuzzFailure(msg) else: self._fuzz_data_logger.log_info(msg) pass except exception.BoofuzzSSLError as e: if self._ignore_connection_ssl_errors: self._fuzz_data_logger.log_info(str(e)) else: self._fuzz_data_logger.log_fail(str(e)) raise BoofuzzFailure(str(e)) self.last_recv = received
[docs] def build_webapp_thread(self, port=constants.DEFAULT_WEB_UI_PORT, address=constants.DEFAULT_WEB_UI_ADDRESS): app.session = self http_server = HTTPServer(WSGIContainer(app)) while True: try: http_server.listen(port, address=address) except socket.error as exc: # Only handle "Address already in use" if exc.errno != errno.EADDRINUSE: raise port += 1 else: self._fuzz_data_logger.log_info("Web interface can be found at http://%s:%d" % (address, port)) break flask_thread = threading.Thread(target=IOLoop.instance().start) flask_thread.daemon = True return flask_thread
[docs] def feature_check(self): """Check all messages/features. Returns: None """ self.total_mutant_index = 0 self.total_num_mutations = self.num_mutations() for path in self._iterate_protocol_message_paths(): self._message_check(path)
[docs] def fuzz(self, name=None, max_depth=None): """Fuzz the entire protocol tree. Iterates through and fuzzes all fuzz cases, skipping according to self.skip and restarting based on self.restart_interval. If you want the web server to be available, your program must persist after calling this method. helpers.pause_for_signal() is available to this end. Args: name (str): Pass in a Request name to fuzz only a single request message. Pass in a test case name to fuzz only a single test case. max_depth (int): Maximum combinatorial depth; set to 1 for "simple" fuzzing. Returns: None """ self.total_mutant_index = 0 if name is None or name == "": self.total_num_mutations = self.num_mutations(max_depth=max_depth) self._main_fuzz_loop(self._generate_mutations_indefinitely(max_depth=max_depth)) else: path, mutations = helpers.parse_test_case_name(name) if len(mutations) < 1: self._fuzz_single_node_by_path(path) else: self.total_num_mutations = 1 node_edges = self._path_names_to_edges(node_names=path) self._main_fuzz_loop(self._generate_test_case_from_named_mutations(node_edges, mutations))
[docs] def fuzz_by_name(self, name): """Fuzz a particular test case or node by name. Args: name (str): Name of node. .. deprecated :: 0.4.0 Use :meth:`Session.fuzz` instead. """ warnings.warn( "Session.fuzz_by_name is deprecated in favor of Session.fuzz(name=name).", FutureWarning, ) self.fuzz(name=name)
def _fuzz_single_node_by_path(self, node_names): """Fuzz a particular node via the path in node_names. Args: node_names (list of str): List of node names leading to target. """ node_edges = self._path_names_to_edges(node_names=node_names) self.total_mutant_index = 0 self.total_num_mutations = self.nodes[node_edges[-1].dst].get_num_mutations() self._main_fuzz_loop(self._generate_mutations_indefinitely(path=node_edges))
[docs] def fuzz_single_case(self, mutant_index): """Deprecated: Fuzz a test case by mutant_index. Deprecation note: The new approach is to set Session's start and end indices to the same value. Args: mutant_index (int): Positive non-zero integer. Returns: None Raises: sex.SulleyRuntimeError: If any error is encountered while executing the test case. """ warnings.warn( "Session.fuzz_single_case is deprecated in favor of Session's index_start and index_end constructor " "parameters." ) self.total_mutant_index = 0 self.total_num_mutations = 1 self._main_fuzz_loop(self._generate_single_case_by_index(mutant_index))
def _message_check(self, path): """Check messages for compatibility. Preconditions: `self.total_mutant_index` and `self.total_num_mutations` are set properly. Args: path (list of Connection): Nodes (Requests) along the path to the target one. Returns: None """ self.server_init() try: self._check_message(MutationContext(message_path=path, mutations={})) except KeyboardInterrupt: # TODO: should wait for the end of the ongoing test case, and stop gracefully netmon and procmon self.export_file() self._fuzz_data_logger.log_error("SIGINT received ... exiting") raise except exception.BoofuzzRestartFailedError: self._fuzz_data_logger.log_error("Restarting the target failed, exiting.") self.export_file() raise except exception.BoofuzzTargetConnectionFailedError: # exception should have already been handled but rethrown in order to escape test run pass except Exception: self._fuzz_data_logger.log_error("Unexpected exception! {0}".format(traceback.format_exc())) self.export_file() raise def _main_fuzz_loop(self, fuzz_case_iterator): """Execute main fuzz logic; takes an iterator of test cases. Preconditions: `self.total_mutant_index` and `self.total_num_mutations` are set properly. Args: fuzz_case_iterator (Iterable): An iterator that walks through fuzz cases and yields MutationContext objects. See _iterate_single_node() for details. Returns: None """ self.server_init() try: self._start_target(self.targets[0]) if self._reuse_target_connection: self.targets[0].open() self.num_cases_actually_fuzzed = 0 self.start_time = time.time() for mutation_context in fuzz_case_iterator: if self.total_mutant_index < self._index_start: continue # Check restart interval if ( self.num_cases_actually_fuzzed and self.restart_interval and self.num_cases_actually_fuzzed % self.restart_interval == 0 ): self._fuzz_data_logger.open_test_step("restart interval of %d reached" % self.restart_interval) self._restart_target(self.targets[0]) self._fuzz_current_case(mutation_context) self.num_cases_actually_fuzzed += 1 if self._index_end is not None and self.total_mutant_index >= self._index_end: break if self._reuse_target_connection: self.targets[0].close() if self._keep_web_open and self.web_port is not None: self.end_time = time.time() print( "\nFuzzing session completed. Keeping webinterface up on {}:{}".format( self.web_address, self.web_port ), "\nPress ENTER to close webinterface", ) input() except KeyboardInterrupt: # TODO: should wait for the end of the ongoing test case, and stop gracefully netmon and procmon self.export_file() self._fuzz_data_logger.log_error("SIGINT received ... exiting") raise except exception.BoofuzzRestartFailedError: self._fuzz_data_logger.log_error("Restarting the target failed, exiting.") self.export_file() raise except exception.BoofuzzTargetConnectionFailedError: # exception should have already been handled but rethrown in order to escape test run pass except Exception: self._fuzz_data_logger.log_error("Unexpected exception! {0}".format(traceback.format_exc())) self.export_file() raise finally: self._fuzz_data_logger.close_test() def _generate_single_case_by_index(self, test_case_index): fuzz_index = 1 for m in self._generate_mutations_indefinitely(): if fuzz_index >= test_case_index: self.total_mutant_index = 1 yield m break fuzz_index += 1 def _generate_mutations_indefinitely(self, max_depth=None, path=None): """Yield MutationContext with n mutations per message over all messages, with n increasing indefinitely.""" depth = 1 while max_depth is None or depth <= max_depth: valid_case_found_at_this_depth = False for m in self._generate_n_mutations(depth=depth, path=path): valid_case_found_at_this_depth = True yield m if not valid_case_found_at_this_depth: break depth += 1 def _generate_n_mutations(self, depth, path): """Yield MutationContext with n mutations per message over all messages.""" for path in self._iterate_protocol_message_paths(path=path): for m in self._generate_n_mutations_for_path(path, depth=depth): yield m def _generate_n_mutations_for_path(self, path, depth): """Yield MutationContext with n mutations for a specific message. Args: path (list of Connection): Nodes (Requests) along the path to the current one being fuzzed. depth (int): Yield sets of depth mutations. Yields: MutationContext: A MutationContext containing one mutation. """ for mutations in self._generate_n_mutations_for_path_recursive(path, depth=depth): if not self._mutations_contain_duplicate(mutations): self.total_mutant_index += 1 yield MutationContext(message_path=path, mutations={n.qualified_name: n for n in mutations}) def _generate_n_mutations_for_path_recursive(self, path, depth, skip_elements=None): if skip_elements is None: skip_elements = set() if depth == 0: yield [] return new_skip = skip_elements.copy() for mutations in self._generate_mutations_for_request(path=path, skip_elements=skip_elements): new_skip.update(m.qualified_name for m in mutations) for ms in self._generate_n_mutations_for_path_recursive(path, depth=depth - 1, skip_elements=new_skip): yield mutations + ms def _iterate_protocol_message_paths(self, path=None): """ Iterates over protocol and yields a path (list of Connection) leading to a given message). Args: path (list of Connection): Provide a specific path to yield only that specific path. Yields: list of Connection: List of edges along the path to the current one being fuzzed. Raises: exception.SulleyRuntimeError: If no requests defined or no targets specified """ # we can't fuzz if we don't have at least one target and one request. if not self.targets: raise exception.SullyRuntimeError("No targets specified in session") if not self.edges_from( raise exception.SullyRuntimeError("No requests specified in session") if path is not None: yield path else: for x in self._iterate_protocol_message_paths_recursive(this_node=self.root, path=[]): yield x def _iterate_protocol_message_paths_recursive(self, this_node, path): """Recursive helper for _iterate_protocol. Args: this_node (node.Node): Current node that is being fuzzed. path (list of Connection): List of edges along the path to the current one being fuzzed. Yields: list of Connection: List of edges along the path to the current one being fuzzed. """ # step through every edge from the current node. for edge in self.edges_from( # keep track of the path as we fuzz through it, don't count the root node. # we keep track of edges as opposed to nodes because if there is more then one path through a set of # given nodes we don't want any ambiguity. path.append(edge) message_path = self._message_path_to_str(path) logging.debug("fuzzing: {0}".format(message_path)) self.fuzz_node = self.nodes[path[-1].dst] yield path # recursively fuzz the remainder of the nodes in the session graph. for x in self._iterate_protocol_message_paths_recursive(self.fuzz_node, path): yield x # finished with the last node on the path, pop it off the path stack. if path: path.pop() def _mutations_contain_duplicate(self, mutations): names = [m.qualified_name for m in mutations] for name1, name2 in itertools.combinations(names, r=2): if name1 in name2 or name2 in name1: return True return False def _generate_mutations_for_request(self, path, skip_elements=None): """Yield each mutation for a specific message (the last message in path). Args: path (list of Connection): Nodes (Requests) along the path to the current one being fuzzed. path (iter of str): Qualified names of elements to skip while fuzzing. Yields: Mutation: Mutation object describing a single mutation. """ if skip_elements is None: skip_elements = [] self.fuzz_node = self.nodes[path[-1].dst] self.mutant_index = 0 for mutations in self.fuzz_node.get_mutations(skip_elements=skip_elements): self.mutant_index += 1 yield mutations if self._skip_current_node_after_current_test_case: self._skip_current_node_after_current_test_case = False break elif self._skip_current_element_after_current_test_case: self.fuzz_node.mutant.stop_mutations() self._skip_current_element_after_current_test_case = False continue def _generate_test_case_from_named_mutations(self, path, mutation_names): # need a way to get the mutation value based on the mutation index self.fuzz_node = self.nodes[path[-1].dst] self.mutant_index = 0 mutations = [] for mutation_name in mutation_names: qualified_name, index = mutation_name.rsplit(":") index = int(index) fuzzable = self.fuzz_node.names[qualified_name] mutations += next(itertools.islice(fuzzable.get_mutations(), index, index + 1)) self.total_mutant_index += 1 yield MutationContext(message_path=path, mutations={n.qualified_name: n for n in mutations}) def _path_names_to_edges(self, node_names): """Take a list of node names and return a list of edges describing that path. Args: node_names (list of str): List of node names describing a path. Returns: list of Connection: List of edges describing the path in node_names. """ cur_node = self.root edge_path = [] for node_name in node_names: next_node = None for edge in self.edges_from( if self.nodes[edge.dst].name == node_name: edge_path.append(edge) next_node = self.nodes[edge.dst] break if next_node is None: raise Exception("No edge found from {0} to {1}".format(, node_name)) else: cur_node = next_node return edge_path def _check_message(self, mutation_context): """Sends the current message without fuzzing. Current test case is controlled by fuzz_case_iterator(). Args: mutation_context (MutationContext): Current mutation context. """ target = self.targets[0] self.total_mutant_index += 1 self._pause_if_pause_flag_is_set() test_case_name = self._test_case_name_feature_check(mutation_context) self._fuzz_data_logger.open_test_case( "{0}: {1}".format(self.total_mutant_index, test_case_name), name=test_case_name, index=self.total_mutant_index, num_mutations=self.total_num_mutations, current_index=self.mutant_index, current_num_mutations=self.fuzz_node.get_num_mutations(), ) try: self._open_connection_keep_trying(target) self._pre_send(target) for e in mutation_context.message_path[:-1]: prev_node = self.nodes[e.src] node = self.nodes[e.dst] protocol_session = ProtocolSession( previous_message=prev_node, current_message=node, ) mutation_context.protocol_session = protocol_session self._fuzz_data_logger.open_test_step("Prep Node '{0}'".format( callback_data = self._callback_current_node(node=node, edge=e, test_case_context=protocol_session) self.transmit_normal(target, node, e, callback_data=callback_data, mutation_context=mutation_context) prev_node = self.nodes[mutation_context.message_path[-1].src] node = self.nodes[mutation_context.message_path[-1].dst] protocol_session = ProtocolSession( previous_message=prev_node, current_message=node, ) mutation_context.protocol_session = protocol_session callback_data = self._callback_current_node( node=self.fuzz_node, edge=mutation_context.message_path[-1], test_case_context=protocol_session ) self._fuzz_data_logger.open_test_step("Node Under Test '{0}'".format( self.transmit_normal( target, self.fuzz_node, mutation_context.message_path[-1], callback_data=callback_data, mutation_context=mutation_context, ) self._check_for_passively_detected_failures(target) if not self._reuse_target_connection: target.close() if self.sleep_time > 0: self._fuzz_data_logger.open_test_step("Sleep between tests.") self._fuzz_data_logger.log_info("sleeping for %f seconds" % self.sleep_time) time.sleep(self.sleep_time) finally: if self._process_failures(target=target): print("FAIL: {0}".format(test_case_name)) else: print("PASS: {0}".format(test_case_name)) self._get_monitor_data(target) self._fuzz_data_logger.close_test_case() self.export_file() def _fuzz_current_case(self, mutation_context): """ Fuzzes the current test case. Current test case is controlled by fuzz_case_iterator(). Args: mutation_context (MutationContext): Current mutation context. """ target = self.targets[0] self._pause_if_pause_flag_is_set() test_case_name = self._test_case_name(mutation_context) self.current_test_case_name = test_case_name self._fuzz_data_logger.open_test_case( "{0}: {1}".format(self.total_mutant_index, test_case_name), name=test_case_name, index=self.total_mutant_index, num_mutations=self.total_num_mutations, current_index=self.mutant_index, current_num_mutations=self.fuzz_node.get_num_mutations(), ) if self.total_num_mutations is not None: self._fuzz_data_logger.log_info( "Type: {0}. Case {1} of {2} overall.".format( type(self.fuzz_node.mutant).__name__, self.total_mutant_index, self.total_num_mutations, ) ) else: self._fuzz_data_logger.log_info( "Type: {0}".format( type(self.fuzz_node.mutant).__name__, ) ) try: self._open_connection_keep_trying(target) self._pre_send(target) for e in mutation_context.message_path[:-1]: prev_node = self.nodes[e.src] node = self.nodes[e.dst] protocol_session = ProtocolSession( previous_message=prev_node, current_message=node, ) mutation_context.protocol_session = protocol_session callback_data = self._callback_current_node(node=node, edge=e, test_case_context=protocol_session) self._fuzz_data_logger.open_test_step("Transmit Prep Node '{0}'".format( self.transmit_normal(target, node, e, callback_data=callback_data, mutation_context=mutation_context) prev_node = self.nodes[mutation_context.message_path[-1].src] node = self.nodes[mutation_context.message_path[-1].dst] protocol_session = ProtocolSession( previous_message=prev_node, current_message=node, ) mutation_context.protocol_session = protocol_session callback_data = self._callback_current_node( node=self.fuzz_node, edge=mutation_context.message_path[-1], test_case_context=protocol_session ) self._fuzz_data_logger.open_test_step("Fuzzing Node '{0}'".format( self.transmit_fuzz( target, self.fuzz_node, mutation_context.message_path[-1], callback_data=callback_data, mutation_context=mutation_context, ) self._check_for_passively_detected_failures(target=target) if not self._reuse_target_connection: target.close() if self.sleep_time > 0: self._fuzz_data_logger.open_test_step("Sleep between tests.") self._sleep(self.sleep_time) except BoofuzzFailure as e: self._fuzz_data_logger.log_fail(e.message) self._check_for_passively_detected_failures(target=target, failure_already_detected=True) finally: self._process_failures(target=target) self._fuzz_data_logger.close_test_case() self.export_file() def _open_connection_keep_trying(self, target): """Open connection and if it fails, keep retrying. Args: target (Target): Target to open. """ if not self._reuse_target_connection: out_of_available_sockets_count = 0 unable_to_connect_count = 0 initial_time = time.time() while True: try: break # break if no exception except exception.BoofuzzTargetConnectionFailedError: if self.restart_threshold and unable_to_connect_count >= self.restart_threshold: self._fuzz_data_logger.log_info( "Unable to reconnect to target: Reached threshold of {0} retries. Ending fuzzing.".format( self.restart_threshold ) ) raise elif self.restart_timeout and time.time() >= initial_time + self.restart_timeout: self._fuzz_data_logger.log_info( "Unable to reconnect to target: Reached restart timeout of {0}s. Ending fuzzing.".format( self.restart_timeout ) ) raise else: self._fuzz_data_logger.log_info(constants.WARN_CONN_FAILED_TERMINAL) self._restart_target(target) unable_to_connect_count += 1 except exception.BoofuzzOutOfAvailableSockets: out_of_available_sockets_count += 1 if out_of_available_sockets_count == 50: raise exception.BoofuzzError("There are no available sockets. Ending fuzzing.") self._fuzz_data_logger.log_info("There are no available sockets. Waiting for another 5 seconds.") time.sleep(5) def _sleep(self, seconds): self._fuzz_data_logger.log_info("sleeping for %f seconds" % seconds) time.sleep(seconds) def _test_case_name_feature_check(self, mutation_context): message_path = self._message_path_to_str(mutation_context.message_path) return "FEATURE-CHECK->{0}".format(message_path) def _test_case_name(self, mutation_context): """Get long test case name. Args: mutation_context (MutationContext): MutationContext to get name from. Returns: Long formatted test case name """ message_path = self._message_path_to_str(mutation_context.message_path) mutation_names = ( "{0}:{1}".format(qualified_name, mutation.index) for qualified_name, mutation in mutation_context.mutations.items() ) return "{0}:[{1}]".format(message_path, ", ".join(mutation_names)) def _message_path_to_str(self, message_path): return "->".join([self.nodes[e.dst].name for e in message_path])
[docs] def test_case_data(self, index): """Return test case data object (for use by web server) Args: index (int): Test case index Returns: DataTestCase: Test case data object """ return self._db_logger.get_test_case_data(index=index)