Static Protocol Definition
Protocol definition via static functions in boofuzz is inherited from Spike. See protocol definition functions for a newer, if still experimental, format.
See the Quickstart guide for an intro to using boofuzz in general.
Requests are messages, Blocks are chunks within a message, and Primitives are the elements (bytes, strings, numbers, checksums, etc.) that make up a Block/Request.
Request Manipulation
- boofuzz.s_initialize(name)[source]
Initialize a new block request. All blocks / primitives generated after this call apply to the named request. Use s_switch() to jump between factories.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of request
- boofuzz.s_get(name=None)[source]
Return the request with the specified name or the current request if name is not specified. Use this to switch from global function style request manipulation to direct object manipulation. Example:
req = s_get("HTTP BASIC") print(req.num_mutations())
The selected request is also set as the default current. (ie: s_switch(name) is implied).
- Parameters:
name (str) – (Optional, def=None) Name of request to return or current request if name is None.
- Return type:
- Returns:
The requested request.
Block Manipulation
- boofuzz.s_block(name=None, group=None, encoder=None, dep=None, dep_value=None, dep_values=None, dep_compare='==')[source]
Open a new block under the current request. The returned instance supports the “with” interface so it will be automatically closed for you:
with s_block("header"): s_static("\x00\x01") if s_block_start("body"): ...
- Parameters:
name (str, optional) – Name of block being opened
group (str, optional) – (Optional, def=None) Name of group to associate this block with
encoder (Function Pointer, optional) – (Optional, def=None) Optional pointer to a function to pass rendered data to prior to return
dep (str, optional) – (Optional, def=None) Optional primitive whose specific value this block is dependant on
dep_value (bytes, optional) – (Optional, def=None) Value that field “dep” must contain for block to be rendered
dep_values (List of bytes, optional) – (Optional, def=None) Values that field “dep” may contain for block to be rendered
dep_compare (str, optional) – (Optional, def=”==”) Comparison method to use on dependency (==, !=, >, >=, <, <=)
- boofuzz.s_block_start(name=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
Open a new block under the current request. This routine always returns an instance so you can make your fuzzer pretty with indenting:
if s_block_start("header"): s_static("\x00\x01") if s_block_start("body"): ... s_block_close()
:note Prefer using s_block to this function directly :see s_block
- boofuzz.s_block_end(name=None)[source]
Close the last opened block. Optionally specify the name of the block being closed (purely for aesthetic purposes).
- Parameters:
name (str) – (Optional, def=None) Name of block to closed.
- boofuzz.s_checksum(block_name=None, algorithm='crc32', length=0, endian='<', fuzzable=True, name=None, ipv4_src_block_name=None, ipv4_dst_block_name=None)[source]
Checksum bound to the block with the specified name.
The algorithm may be chosen by name with the algorithm parameter, or a custom function may be specified with the algorithm parameter.
The length field is only necessary for custom algorithms.
Recursive checksums are supported; the checksum field itself will render as all zeros for the sake of checksum or length calculations.
- Parameters:
block_name (str, optional) – Name of target block for checksum calculations.
algorithm (str, function, optional) – Checksum algorithm to use. (crc32, crc32c, adler32, md5, sha1, ipv4, udp) Pass a function to use a custom algorithm. This function has to take and return byte-type data, defaults to crc32
length (int, optional) – Length of checksum, auto-calculated by default. Must be specified manually when using custom algorithm, defaults to 0
endian (chr, optional) – Endianness of the bit field (LITTLE_ENDIAN: <, BIG_ENDIAN: >), defaults to LITTLE_ENDIAN
fuzzable (bool, optional) – Enable/disable fuzzing.
name (str, optional) – Name, for referencing later. Names should always be provided, but if not, a default name will be given, defaults to None
ipv4_src_block_name (str, optional) – Required for ‘udp’ algorithm. Name of block yielding IPv4 source address, defaults to None
ipv4_dst_block_name (str, optional) – Required for ‘udp’ algorithm. Name of block yielding IPv4 destination address, defaults to None
- boofuzz.s_repeat(block_name=None, min_reps=0, max_reps=25, step=1, variable=None, fuzzable=True, name=None)[source]
Repeat the rendered contents of the specified block cycling from min_reps to max_reps counting by step. By default renders to nothing. This block modifier is useful for fuzzing overflows in table entries. This block modifier MUST come after the block it is being applied to.
- See:
Aliases: s_repeater()
- Parameters:
block_name (str) – (Optional, def=None) Name of block to repeat
min_reps (int) – (Optional, def=0) Minimum number of block repetitions
max_reps (int) – (Optional, def=25) Maximum number of block repetitions
step (int) – (Optional, def=1) Step count between min and max reps
variable (Sulley Integer Primitive) – (Optional, def=None) An integer primitive which will specify the number of repitions
fuzzable (bool) – (Optional, def=True) Enable/disable fuzzing of this primitive
name (str) – (Optional, def=None) Specifying a name gives you direct access to a primitive
- boofuzz.s_size(block_name=None, offset=0, length=4, endian='<', output_format='binary', inclusive=False, signed=False, math=None, fuzzable=True, name=None)[source]
Create a sizer block bound to the block with the specified name. You can not create a sizer for any currently open blocks.
- See:
Aliases: s_sizer()
- Parameters:
block_name (str, optional) – Name of block to apply sizer to.
offset (int, optional) – Offset for calculated size value, defaults to 0
length (int, optional) – Length of sizer, defaults to 4
endian (chr, optional) – Endianness of the bit field (LITTLE_ENDIAN: <, BIG_ENDIAN: >), defaults to LITTLE_ENDIAN
output_format (str, optional) – Output format, “binary” or “ascii”, defaults to binary
inclusive (bool, optional) – Should the sizer count its own length? Defaults to False
signed (bool, optional) – Make size signed vs. unsigned (applicable only with format=”ascii”), defaults to False
math (def, optional) – Apply the mathematical op defined in this function to the size, defaults to None
fuzzable (bool) – (Optional, def=True) Enable/disable fuzzing of this sizer
name (str) – Name of this sizer field
Primitive Definition
- boofuzz.s_binary(value, name=None)[source]
Parse a variable format binary string into a static value and push it onto the current block stack.
- Parameters:
value (str) – Variable format binary string
name (str) – (Optional, def=None) Specifying a name gives you direct access to a primitive
- boofuzz.s_delim(value=' ', fuzzable=True, name=None)[source]
Push a delimiter onto the current block stack.
- Parameters:
value (Character) – (Optional, def=” “)Original value
fuzzable (bool) – (Optional, def=True) Enable/disable fuzzing of this primitive
name (str) – (Optional, def=None) Specifying a name gives you direct access to a primitive
- boofuzz.s_group(name=None, values=None, default_value=None)[source]
This primitive represents a list of static values, stepping through each one on mutation. You can tie a block to a group primitive to specify that the block should cycle through all possible mutations for each value within the group. The group primitive is useful for example for representing a list of valid opcodes.
- Parameters:
name (str) – (Optional, def=None) Name of group
values (List or raw data) – (Optional, def=None) List of possible raw values this group can take.
default_value (str or bytes) – (Optional, def=None) Specifying a value when fuzzing() is complete
- boofuzz.s_lego(lego_type, value=None, options=())[source]
Legos are pre-built blocks… TODO: finish this doc
- Parameters:
lego_type (str) – Function that represents a lego
value – Original value
options – Options to pass to lego.
- boofuzz.s_random(value='', min_length=0, max_length=1, num_mutations=25, fuzzable=True, step=None, name=None)[source]
Generate a random chunk of data while maintaining a copy of the original. A random length range can be specified. For a static length, set min/max length to be the same.
- Parameters:
value (str or bytes) – (Optional, def=””) Original value
min_length (int) – (Optional, def=0) Minimum length of random block
max_length (int) – (Optional, def=1) Maximum length of random block
num_mutations (int) – (Optional, def=25) Number of mutations to make before reverting to default
fuzzable (bool) – (Optional, def=True) Enable/disable fuzzing of this primitive
step (int) – (Optional, def=None) If not null, step count between min and max reps, otherwise random
name (str) – (Optional, def=None) Specifying a name gives you direct access to a primitive
- boofuzz.s_static(value=None, name=None)[source]
Push a static value onto the current block stack.
- See:
Aliases: s_dunno(), s_raw(), s_unknown()
- Parameters:
value (Raw) – Raw static data
name (str) – (Optional, def=None) Specifying a name gives you direct access to a primitive
- boofuzz.s_string(value='', size=None, padding=b'\x00', encoding='ascii', fuzzable=True, max_len=None, name=None)[source]
Push a string onto the current block stack.
- Parameters:
value (str) – (Optional, def=””)Default string value
size (int) – (Optional, def=None) Static size of this field, leave None for dynamic.
padding (Character) – (Optional, def=”x00”) Value to use as padding to fill static field size.
encoding (str) – (Optional, def=”ascii”) String encoding, ex: utf_16_le for Microsoft Unicode.
fuzzable (bool) – (Optional, def=True) Enable/disable fuzzing of this primitive
max_len (int) – (Optional, def=None) Maximum string length
name (str) – (Optional, def=None) Specifying a name gives you direct access to a primitive
- boofuzz.s_from_file(value=b'', filename=None, encoding='ascii', fuzzable=True, max_len=0, name=None)[source]
Push a value from file onto the current block stack.
- Parameters:
value (bytes) – (Optional, def=b””) Default bytes value
filename (str) – (Optional, def=None) Filename pattern to load all fuzz value
encoding (str) – (DEPRECIATED, def=”ascii”) String encoding, ex: utf_16_le for Microsoft Unicode.
fuzzable (bool) – (Optional, def=True) Enable/disable fuzzing of this primitive
max_len (int) – (Optional, def=0) Maximum string length
name (str) – (Optional, def=None) Specifying a name gives you direct access to a primitive
- boofuzz.s_bit_field(value=0, width=8, endian='<', output_format='binary', signed=False, full_range=False, fuzzable=True, name=None, fuzz_values=None)[source]
Push a variable length bit field onto the current block stack.
- See:
Aliases: s_bit(), s_bits()
- Parameters:
value (int) – (Optional, def=0) Default integer value
width (int) – (Optional, def=8) Width of bit fields
endian (Character) – (Optional, def=LITTLE_ENDIAN) Endianness of the bit field (LITTLE_ENDIAN: <, BIG_ENDIAN: >)
output_format (str) – (Optional, def=binary) Output format, “binary” or “ascii”
signed (bool) – (Optional, def=False) Make size signed vs. unsigned (applicable only with format=”ascii”)
full_range (bool) – (Optional, def=False) If enabled the field mutates through all possible values.
fuzzable (bool) – (Optional, def=True) Enable/disable fuzzing of this primitive
name (str) – (Optional, def=None) Specifying a name gives you direct access to a primitive
fuzz_values (list) – List of custom fuzz values to add to the normal mutations.
- boofuzz.s_byte(value=0, endian='<', output_format='binary', signed=False, full_range=False, fuzzable=True, name=None, fuzz_values=None)[source]
Push a byte onto the current block stack.
- See:
Aliases: s_char()
- Parameters:
value (int|byte) – (Optional, def=0) Default integer value
endian (Character) – (Optional, def=LITTLE_ENDIAN) Endianess of the bit field (LITTLE_ENDIAN: <, BIG_ENDIAN: >)
output_format (str) – (Optional, def=binary) Output format, “binary” or “ascii”
signed (bool) – (Optional, def=False) Make size signed vs. unsigned (applicable only with format=”ascii”)
full_range (bool) – (Optional, def=False) If enabled the field mutates through all possible values.
fuzzable (bool) – (Optional, def=True) Enable/disable fuzzing of this primitive
name (str) – (Optional, def=None) Specifying a name gives you direct access to a primitive
fuzz_values (list) – List of custom fuzz values to add to the normal mutations.
- boofuzz.s_bytes(value=b'', size=None, padding=b'\x00', fuzzable=True, max_len=None, name=None)[source]
Push a bytes field of arbitrary length onto the current block stack.
- Parameters:
value (bytes) – (Optional, def=b””)Default binary value
size (int) – (Optional, def=None) Static size of this field, leave None for dynamic.
padding (chr) – (Optional, def=b”x00”) Value to use as padding to fill static field size.
fuzzable (bool) – (Optional, def=True) Enable/disable fuzzing of this primitive
max_len (int) – (Optional, def=None) Maximum string length
name (str) – (Optional, def=None) Specifying a name gives you direct access to a primitive
- boofuzz.s_word(value=0, endian='<', output_format='binary', signed=False, full_range=False, fuzzable=True, name=None, fuzz_values=None)[source]
Push a word onto the current block stack.
- See:
Aliases: s_short()
- Parameters:
value ((Optional, def=0) int) – Default integer value
endian (chr) – (Optional, def=LITTLE_ENDIAN) Endianess of the bit field (LITTLE_ENDIAN: <, BIG_ENDIAN: >)
output_format (str) – (Optional, def=binary) Output format, “binary” or “ascii”
signed (bool) – (Optional, def=False) Make size signed vs. unsigned (applicable only with format=”ascii”)
full_range (bool) – (Optional, def=False) If enabled the field mutates through all possible values.
fuzzable (bool) – (Optional, def=True) Enable/disable fuzzing of this primitive
name (str) – (Optional, def=None) Specifying a name gives you direct access to a primitive
fuzz_values (list) – List of custom fuzz values to add to the normal mutations.
- boofuzz.s_dword(value=0, endian='<', output_format='binary', signed=False, full_range=False, fuzzable=True, name=None, fuzz_values=None)[source]
Push a double word onto the current block stack.
- See:
Aliases: s_long(), s_int()
- Parameters:
value ((Optional, def=0) int) – Default integer value
endian (Character) – (Optional, def=LITTLE_ENDIAN) Endianess of the bit field (LITTLE_ENDIAN: <, BIG_ENDIAN: >)
output_format (str) – (Optional, def=binary) Output format, “binary” or “ascii”
signed (bool) – (Optional, def=False) Make size signed vs. unsigned (applicable only with format=”ascii”)
full_range (bool) – (Optional, def=False) If enabled the field mutates through all possible values.
fuzzable (bool) – (Optional, def=True) Enable/disable fuzzing of this primitive
name (str) – (Optional, def=None) Specifying a name gives you direct access to a primitive
fuzz_values (list) – List of custom fuzz values to add to the normal mutations.
- boofuzz.s_qword(value=0, endian='<', output_format='binary', signed=False, full_range=False, fuzzable=True, name=None, fuzz_values=None)[source]
Push a quad word onto the current block stack.
- See:
Aliases: s_double()
- Parameters:
value ((Optional, def=0) int) – Default integer value
endian (Character) – (Optional, def=LITTLE_ENDIAN) Endianess of the bit field (LITTLE_ENDIAN: <, BIG_ENDIAN: >)
output_format (str) – (Optional, def=binary) Output format, “binary” or “ascii”
signed (bool) – (Optional, def=False) Make size signed vs. unsigned (applicable only with format=”ascii”)
full_range (bool) – (Optional, def=False) If enabled the field mutates through all possible values.
fuzzable (bool) – (Optional, def=True) Enable/disable fuzzing of this primitive
name (str) – (Optional, def=None) Specifying a name gives you direct access to a primitive
fuzz_values (list) – List of custom fuzz values to add to the normal mutations.