Source code for boofuzz.utils.crash_binning

# Crash Binning
# Copyright (C) 2006 Pedram Amini <>
# $Id: 193 2007-04-05 13:30:01Z cameron $
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
# warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
# Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

@author:       Pedram Amini
@license:      GNU General Public License 2.0 or later

import json
from io import open

[docs] class CrashBinStruct: def __init__(self): self.exception_module = None self.exception_address = 0 self.write_violation = 0 self.violation_address = 0 self.violation_thread_id = 0 self.context = None self.context_dump = None self.disasm = None self.disasm_around = [] self.stack_unwind = [] self.seh_unwind = [] self.extra = None
[docs] class CrashBinning: """ @todo: Add MySQL import/export. """ bins = {} last_crash = None pydbg = None def __init__(self): self.bins = {} self.last_crash = None self.pydbg = None
[docs] def record_crash(self, pydbg, extra=None): """ Given a PyDbg instantiation that at the current time is assumed to have "crashed" (access violation for example) record various details such as the disassemly around the violating address, the ID of the offending thread, the call stack and the SEH unwind. Store the recorded data in an internal dictionary, binning them by the exception address. @type pydbg: pydbg @param pydbg: Instance of pydbg @type extra: Mixed @param extra: (Optional, Def=None) Whatever extra data you want to store with this bin """ self.pydbg = pydbg crash = CrashBinStruct() # add module name to the exception address. exception_module = pydbg.addr_to_module(pydbg.dbg.u.Exception.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionAddress) if exception_module: exception_module = exception_module.szModule else: exception_module = "[INVALID]" crash.exception_module = exception_module crash.exception_address = pydbg.dbg.u.Exception.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionAddress crash.write_violation = pydbg.dbg.u.Exception.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionInformation[0] crash.violation_address = pydbg.dbg.u.Exception.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionInformation[1] crash.violation_thread_id = pydbg.dbg.dwThreadId crash.context = pydbg.context crash.context_dump = pydbg.dump_context(pydbg.context, print_dots=False) crash.disasm = pydbg.disasm(crash.exception_address) crash.disasm_around = pydbg.disasm_around(crash.exception_address, 10) crash.stack_unwind = pydbg.stack_unwind() crash.seh_unwind = pydbg.seh_unwind() crash.extra = extra # add module names to the stack unwind. for i in range(len(crash.stack_unwind)): addr = crash.stack_unwind[i] module = pydbg.addr_to_module(addr) if module: module = module.szModule else: module = "[INVALID]" crash.stack_unwind[i] = "%s:%08x" % (module, addr) # add module names to the SEH unwind. for i in range(len(crash.seh_unwind)): (addr, handler) = crash.seh_unwind[i] module = pydbg.addr_to_module(handler) if module: module = module.szModule else: module = "[INVALID]" crash.seh_unwind[i] = (addr, handler, "%s:%08x" % (module, handler)) if crash.exception_address not in self.bins: self.bins[crash.exception_address] = [] self.bins[crash.exception_address].append(crash) self.last_crash = crash
[docs] def crash_synopsis(self, crash=None): """ For the supplied crash, generate and return a report containing the disassemly around the violating address, the ID of the offending thread, the call stack and the SEH unwind. If not crash is specified, then call through to last_crash_synopsis() which returns the same information for the last recorded crash. @see: crash_synopsis() @type crash: CrashBinStruct @param crash: (Optional, def=None) Crash object to generate report on @rtype: str @return: Crash report """ if not crash: return self.last_crash_synopsis() if crash.write_violation: direction = "write to" else: direction = "read from" synopsis = "%s:%08x %s from thread %d caused access violation\nwhen attempting to %s 0x%08x\n\n" % ( crash.exception_module, crash.exception_address, crash.disasm, crash.violation_thread_id, direction, crash.violation_address, ) synopsis += crash.context_dump synopsis += "\ndisasm around:\n" for ea, inst in crash.disasm_around: synopsis += "\t0x%08x %s\n" % (ea, inst) if len(crash.stack_unwind): synopsis += "\nstack unwind:\n" for entry in crash.stack_unwind: synopsis += "\t%s\n" % entry if len(crash.seh_unwind): synopsis += "\nSEH unwind:\n" for addr, handler, handler_str in crash.seh_unwind: synopsis += "\t%08x -> %s\n" % (addr, handler_str) return synopsis + "\n"
[docs] def export_file(self, file_name): """ Dump the entire object structure to disk. @see: import_file() @type file_name: str @param file_name: File name to export to @rtype: CrashBinning @return: self """ # null out what we don't serialize but save copies to restore after dumping to disk. last_crash = self.last_crash pydbg = self.pydbg self.last_crash = self.pydbg = None json.dump(self.bins, open(file_name, "wb+"), default=lambda o: o.__dict__) self.last_crash = last_crash self.pydbg = pydbg return self
[docs] def import_file(self, file_name): """ Load the entire object structure from disk. @see: export_file() @type file_name: str @param file_name: File name to import from @rtype: CrashBinning @return: self """ self.bins = {} bin_dict = json.load(open(file_name, "rb")) for crash_address, bin_list in bin_dict.items(): self.bins[crash_address] = [] for single_bin in bin_list: tmp = CrashBinStruct() tmp.__dict__ = single_bin self.bins[crash_address].append(tmp) return self
[docs] def last_crash_synopsis(self): """ For the last recorded crash, generate and return a report containing the disassemly around the violating address, the ID of the offending thread, the call stack and the SEH unwind. @see: crash_synopsis() @rtype: String @return: Crash report """ if self.last_crash.write_violation: direction = "write to" else: direction = "read from" synopsis = "%s:%08x %s from thread %d caused access violation\nwhen attempting to %s 0x%08x\n\n" % ( self.last_crash.exception_module, self.last_crash.exception_address, self.last_crash.disasm, self.last_crash.violation_thread_id, direction, self.last_crash.violation_address, ) synopsis += self.last_crash.context_dump synopsis += "\ndisasm around:\n" for ea, inst in self.last_crash.disasm_around: synopsis += "\t0x%08x %s\n" % (ea, inst) if len(self.last_crash.stack_unwind): synopsis += "\nstack unwind:\n" for entry in self.last_crash.stack_unwind: synopsis += "\t%s\n" % entry if len(self.last_crash.seh_unwind): synopsis += "\nSEH unwind:\n" for addr, handler, handler_str in self.last_crash.seh_unwind: try: disasm = self.pydbg.disasm(handler) except Exception: disasm = "[INVALID]" synopsis += "\t%08x -> %s %s\n" % (addr, handler_str, disasm) return synopsis + "\n"