Source code for boofuzz

import functools
import sys

from . import blocks, exception, legos, primitives
from .blocks import Aligned, Block, Checksum, Repeat, Request, REQUESTS, Size
from .cli import main_helper
from .connections import (
from .event_hook import EventHook
from .exception import BoofuzzFailure, MustImplementException, SizerNotUtilizedError, SullyRuntimeError
from .fuzz_logger import FuzzLogger
from .fuzz_logger_csv import FuzzLoggerCsv
from .fuzz_logger_curses import FuzzLoggerCurses
from .fuzz_logger_text import FuzzLoggerText
from .fuzzable import Fuzzable
from .fuzzable_block import FuzzableBlock
from .ifuzz_logger import IFuzzLogger
from .ifuzz_logger_backend import IFuzzLoggerBackend
from .monitors import BaseMonitor, CallbackMonitor, NetworkMonitor, pedrpc, ProcessMonitor
from .utils.process_monitor_local import ProcessMonitorLocal
from .primitives import (
from .repeater import CountRepeater, Repeater, TimeRepeater
from .sessions import open_test_run, Session, Target
from .protocol_session import ProtocolSession
from .protocol_session_reference import ProtocolSessionReference

# workaround to make Tornado work in Python 3.8
if sys.platform == "win32" and sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
    import asyncio

    # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
    asyncio.set_event_loop_policy(asyncio.WindowsSelectorEventLoopPolicy())  # pytype: disable=module-attr

__all__ = [

[docs] def s_get(name=None): """ Return the request with the specified name or the current request if name is not specified. Use this to switch from global function style request manipulation to direct object manipulation. Example:: req = s_get("HTTP BASIC") print(req.num_mutations()) The selected request is also set as the default current. (ie: s_switch(name) is implied). :type name: str :param name: (Optional, def=None) Name of request to return or current request if name is None. :rtype: blocks.Request :return: The requested request. """ if not name: return blocks.CURRENT # ensure this gotten request is the new current. s_switch(name) if name not in blocks.REQUESTS: raise exception.SullyRuntimeError("blocks.REQUESTS NOT FOUND: %s" % name) return blocks.REQUESTS[name]
[docs] def s_initialize(name): """ Initialize a new block request. All blocks / primitives generated after this call apply to the named request. Use s_switch() to jump between factories. :type name: str :param name: Name of request """ if name in blocks.REQUESTS: raise exception.SullyRuntimeError("blocks.REQUESTS ALREADY EXISTS: %s" % name) blocks.REQUESTS[name] = Request(name) blocks.CURRENT = blocks.REQUESTS[name]
[docs] def s_num_mutations(): """ Determine the number of repetitions we will be making. :rtype: int :return: Number of mutated forms this primitive can take. """ return blocks.CURRENT.get_num_mutations()
[docs] def s_switch(name): """ Change the current request to the one specified by "name". :type name: str :param name: Name of request """ if name not in blocks.REQUESTS: raise exception.SullyRuntimeError("blocks.REQUESTS NOT FOUND: %s" % name) blocks.CURRENT = blocks.REQUESTS[name]
[docs] def s_block(name=None, group=None, encoder=None, dep=None, dep_value=None, dep_values=None, dep_compare="=="): """ Open a new block under the current request. The returned instance supports the "with" interface so it will be automatically closed for you:: with s_block("header"): s_static("\\x00\\x01") if s_block_start("body"): ... :type name: str, optional :param name: Name of block being opened :type group: str, optional :param group: (Optional, def=None) Name of group to associate this block with :type encoder: Function Pointer, optional :param encoder: (Optional, def=None) Optional pointer to a function to pass rendered data to prior to return :type dep: str, optional :param dep: (Optional, def=None) Optional primitive whose specific value this block is dependant on :type dep_value: bytes, optional :param dep_value: (Optional, def=None) Value that field "dep" must contain for block to be rendered :type dep_values: List of bytes, optional :param dep_values: (Optional, def=None) Values that field "dep" may contain for block to be rendered :type dep_compare: str, optional :param dep_compare: (Optional, def="==") Comparison method to use on dependency (==, !=, >, >=, <, <=) """ class ScopedBlock: def __init__(self, block): self.block = block def __enter__(self): """ Setup before entering the "with" statement body """ return self.block def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): """ Cleanup after executing the "with" statement body """ # Automagically close the block when exiting the "with" statement s_block_end() block = s_block_start( name, request=blocks.CURRENT, group=group, encoder=encoder, dep=dep, dep_value=dep_value, dep_values=dep_values, dep_compare=dep_compare, ) return ScopedBlock(block)
def s_aligned(modulus=1, pattern=b"\x00", name=None): """FuzzableBlock that aligns its contents to a certain number of bytes :type modulus: int, optional :param modulus: Pad length of child content to this many bytes, defaults to 1 :type pattern: bytes, optional :param pattern: Pad using these byte(s) :type name: str, optional :param name: Name, for referencing later. Names should always be provided, but if not, a default name will be given, defaults to None """ class ScopedAligned: def __init__(self, aligned): self.aligned = aligned def __enter__(self): """ Setup before entering the "with" statement body """ return self.aligned def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): """ Cleanup after executing the "with" statement body """ blocks.CURRENT.pop() aligned = Aligned(name=name, modulus=modulus, pattern=pattern, fuzzable=True) blocks.CURRENT.push(aligned) return ScopedAligned(aligned)
[docs] def s_block_start(name=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Open a new block under the current request. This routine always returns an instance so you can make your fuzzer pretty with indenting:: if s_block_start("header"): s_static("\\x00\\x01") if s_block_start("body"): ... s_block_close() :note Prefer using s_block to this function directly :see s_block """ block = Block(name=name, *args, **kwargs) blocks.CURRENT.push(block) return block
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs] def s_block_end(name=None): """ Close the last opened block. Optionally specify the name of the block being closed (purely for aesthetic purposes). :type name: str :param name: (Optional, def=None) Name of block to closed. """ blocks.CURRENT.pop()
[docs] def s_checksum( block_name=None, algorithm="crc32", length=0, endian=LITTLE_ENDIAN, fuzzable=True, name=None, ipv4_src_block_name=None, ipv4_dst_block_name=None, ): """ Checksum bound to the block with the specified name. The algorithm may be chosen by name with the algorithm parameter, or a custom function may be specified with the algorithm parameter. The length field is only necessary for custom algorithms. Recursive checksums are supported; the checksum field itself will render as all zeros for the sake of checksum or length calculations. :type block_name: str, optional :param block_name: Name of target block for checksum calculations. :type algorithm: str, function, optional :param algorithm: Checksum algorithm to use. (crc32, crc32c, adler32, md5, sha1, ipv4, udp) Pass a function to use a custom algorithm. This function has to take and return byte-type data, defaults to crc32 :type length: int, optional :param length: Length of checksum, auto-calculated by default. Must be specified manually when using custom algorithm, defaults to 0 :type endian: chr, optional :param endian: Endianness of the bit field (LITTLE_ENDIAN: <, BIG_ENDIAN: >), defaults to LITTLE_ENDIAN :type fuzzable: bool, optional :param fuzzable: Enable/disable fuzzing. :type name: str, optional :param name: Name, for referencing later. Names should always be provided, but if not, a default name will be given, defaults to None :type ipv4_src_block_name: str, optional :param ipv4_src_block_name: Required for 'udp' algorithm. Name of block yielding IPv4 source address, defaults to None :type ipv4_dst_block_name: str, optional :param ipv4_dst_block_name: Required for 'udp' algorithm. Name of block yielding IPv4 destination address, defaults to None """ # you can't add a checksum for a block currently in the stack. if block_name in blocks.CURRENT.block_stack: raise exception.SullyRuntimeError("CAN N0T ADD A CHECKSUM FOR A BLOCK CURRENTLY IN THE STACK") checksum = Checksum( name=name, block_name=block_name, request=blocks.CURRENT, algorithm=algorithm, length=length, endian=endian, fuzzable=fuzzable, ipv4_src_block_name=ipv4_src_block_name, ipv4_dst_block_name=ipv4_dst_block_name, ) blocks.CURRENT.push(checksum)
[docs] def s_repeat(block_name=None, min_reps=0, max_reps=25, step=1, variable=None, fuzzable=True, name=None): """ Repeat the rendered contents of the specified block cycling from min_reps to max_reps counting by step. By default renders to nothing. This block modifier is useful for fuzzing overflows in table entries. This block modifier MUST come after the block it is being applied to. :see: Aliases: s_repeater() :type block_name: str :param block_name: (Optional, def=None) Name of block to repeat :type min_reps: int :param min_reps: (Optional, def=0) Minimum number of block repetitions :type max_reps: int :param max_reps: (Optional, def=25) Maximum number of block repetitions :type step: int :param step: (Optional, def=1) Step count between min and max reps :type variable: Sulley Integer Primitive :param variable: (Optional, def=None) An integer primitive which will specify the number of repitions :type fuzzable: bool :param fuzzable: (Optional, def=True) Enable/disable fuzzing of this primitive :type name: str :param name: (Optional, def=None) Specifying a name gives you direct access to a primitive """ blocks.CURRENT.push( Repeat( name=name, block_name=block_name, request=blocks.CURRENT, min_reps=min_reps, max_reps=max_reps, step=step, variable=variable, fuzzable=fuzzable, ) )
[docs] def s_size( block_name=None, offset=0, length=4, endian=LITTLE_ENDIAN, output_format="binary", inclusive=False, signed=False, math=None, fuzzable=True, name=None, ): """ Create a sizer block bound to the block with the specified name. You *can not* create a sizer for any currently open blocks. :see: Aliases: s_sizer() :type block_name: str, optional :param block_name: Name of block to apply sizer to. :type offset: int, optional :param offset: Offset for calculated size value, defaults to 0 :type length: int, optional :param length: Length of sizer, defaults to 4 :type endian: chr, optional :param endian: Endianness of the bit field (LITTLE_ENDIAN: <, BIG_ENDIAN: >), defaults to LITTLE_ENDIAN :type output_format: str, optional :param output_format: Output format, "binary" or "ascii", defaults to binary :type inclusive: bool, optional :param inclusive: Should the sizer count its own length? Defaults to False :type signed: bool, optional :param signed: Make size signed vs. unsigned (applicable only with format="ascii"), defaults to False :type math: def, optional :param math: Apply the mathematical op defined in this function to the size, defaults to None :type fuzzable: bool :param fuzzable: (Optional, def=True) Enable/disable fuzzing of this sizer :type name: str :param name: Name of this sizer field """ blocks.CURRENT.push( Size( name=name, block_name=block_name, request=blocks.CURRENT, offset=offset, length=length, endian=endian, output_format=output_format, inclusive=inclusive, signed=signed, math=math, fuzzable=fuzzable, ) )
[docs] def s_update(name, value): """ Update the value of the named primitive in the currently open request. :type name: str :param name: Name of object whose value we wish to update :type value: Mixed :param value: Updated value """ if name not in map(lambda o: o.qualified_name, blocks.CURRENT.walk()): raise exception.SullyRuntimeError("NO OBJECT WITH NAME '%s' FOUND IN CURRENT REQUEST" % name) blocks.CURRENT.names[name]._default_value = value
[docs] def s_binary(value, name=None): """ Parse a variable format binary string into a static value and push it onto the current block stack. :type value: str :param value: Variable format binary string :type name: str :param name: (Optional, def=None) Specifying a name gives you direct access to a primitive """ # parse the binary string into. parsed = value parsed = parsed.replace(" ", "") parsed = parsed.replace("\t", "") parsed = parsed.replace("\r", "") parsed = parsed.replace("\n", "") parsed = parsed.replace(",", "") parsed = parsed.replace("0x", "") parsed = parsed.replace("\\x", "") value = b"" while parsed: pair = parsed[:2] parsed = parsed[2:] value += int(pair, 16).to_bytes(1, "little") blocks.CURRENT.push(Static(name=name, default_value=parsed))
[docs] def s_delim(value=" ", fuzzable=True, name=None): """ Push a delimiter onto the current block stack. :type value: Character :param value: (Optional, def=" ")Original value :type fuzzable: bool :param fuzzable: (Optional, def=True) Enable/disable fuzzing of this primitive :type name: str :param name: (Optional, def=None) Specifying a name gives you direct access to a primitive """ blocks.CURRENT.push(Delim(name=name, default_value=value, fuzzable=fuzzable))
[docs] def s_group(name=None, values=None, default_value=None): """ This primitive represents a list of static values, stepping through each one on mutation. You can tie a block to a group primitive to specify that the block should cycle through all possible mutations for *each* value within the group. The group primitive is useful for example for representing a list of valid opcodes. :type name: str :param name: (Optional, def=None) Name of group :type values: List or raw data :param values: (Optional, def=None) List of possible raw values this group can take. :type default_value: str or bytes :param default_value: (Optional, def=None) Specifying a value when fuzzing() is complete """ blocks.CURRENT.push(Group(name=name, default_value=default_value, values=values))
# noinspection PyCallingNonCallable
[docs] def s_lego(lego_type, value=None, options=()): """ Legos are pre-built blocks... TODO: finish this doc :type lego_type: str :param lego_type: Function that represents a lego :param value: Original value :param options: Options to pass to lego. """ # as legos are blocks they must have a name. # generate a unique name for this lego. name = "LEGO_%08x" % len(blocks.CURRENT.names) if lego_type not in legos.BIN: raise exception.SullyRuntimeError("INVALID LEGO TYPE SPECIFIED: %s" % lego_type) lego = legos.BIN[lego_type](name, blocks.CURRENT, value, options) # push the lego onto the stack and immediately pop to close the block. blocks.CURRENT.push(lego) blocks.CURRENT.pop()
[docs] def s_random(value="", min_length=0, max_length=1, num_mutations=25, fuzzable=True, step=None, name=None): """ Generate a random chunk of data while maintaining a copy of the original. A random length range can be specified. For a static length, set min/max length to be the same. :type value: str or bytes :param value: (Optional, def="") Original value :type min_length: int :param min_length: (Optional, def=0) Minimum length of random block :type max_length: int :param max_length: (Optional, def=1) Maximum length of random block :type num_mutations: int :param num_mutations: (Optional, def=25) Number of mutations to make before reverting to default :type fuzzable: bool :param fuzzable: (Optional, def=True) Enable/disable fuzzing of this primitive :type step: int :param step: (Optional, def=None) If not null, step count between min and max reps, otherwise random :type name: str :param name: (Optional, def=None) Specifying a name gives you direct access to a primitive """ blocks.CURRENT.push( RandomData( name=name, default_value=value, min_length=min_length, max_length=max_length, max_mutations=num_mutations, step=step, fuzzable=fuzzable, ) )
[docs] def s_static(value=None, name=None): """ Push a static value onto the current block stack. :see: Aliases: s_dunno(), s_raw(), s_unknown() :type value: Raw :param value: Raw static data :type name: str :param name: (Optional, def=None) Specifying a name gives you direct access to a primitive """ blocks.CURRENT.push(Static(name=name, default_value=value))
def s_simple(value=None, name=None, fuzz_values=None, fuzzable=True): """ Push a "Simple" primitive onto the current block stack. The only mutations will be those specified in fuzz_values. :see: Aliases: s_dunno(), s_raw(), s_unknown() :type value: Raw :param value: Raw static data :type name: str :param name: (Optional, def=None) Specifying a name gives you direct access to a primitive :type fuzz_values: list :param fuzz_values: (Optional, def=None) List of fuzz values. :type fuzzable: bool :param fuzzable: (Optional, def=True) Enable/disable fuzzing of this primitive """ blocks.CURRENT.push(Simple(name=name, default_value=value, fuzz_values=fuzz_values, fuzzable=fuzzable)) def s_mirror(primitive_name=None, name=None): """ Push a mirror of another primitive onto the current block stack. :type primitive_name: str :param primitive_name: (Optional, def=None) Name of target primitive :type name: str :param name: (Optional, def=None) Name of current primitive """ blocks.CURRENT.push(Mirror(name=name, primitive_name=primitive_name, request=blocks.CURRENT))
[docs] def s_string(value="", size=None, padding=b"\x00", encoding="ascii", fuzzable=True, max_len=None, name=None): """ Push a string onto the current block stack. :type value: str :param value: (Optional, def="")Default string value :type size: int :param size: (Optional, def=None) Static size of this field, leave None for dynamic. :type padding: Character :param padding: (Optional, def="\\x00") Value to use as padding to fill static field size. :type encoding: str :param encoding: (Optional, def="ascii") String encoding, ex: utf_16_le for Microsoft Unicode. :type fuzzable: bool :param fuzzable: (Optional, def=True) Enable/disable fuzzing of this primitive :type max_len: int :param max_len: (Optional, def=None) Maximum string length :type name: str :param name: (Optional, def=None) Specifying a name gives you direct access to a primitive """ # support old interface where default was -1 instead of None if size == -1: size = None if max_len == -1: max_len = None blocks.CURRENT.push( String( name=name, default_value=value, size=size, padding=padding, encoding=encoding, max_len=max_len, fuzzable=fuzzable, ) )
[docs] def s_from_file(value=b"", filename=None, encoding="ascii", fuzzable=True, max_len=0, name=None): """ Push a value from file onto the current block stack. :type value: bytes :param value: (Optional, def=b"") Default bytes value :type filename: str :param filename: (Optional, def=None) Filename pattern to load all fuzz value :type encoding: str :param encoding: (DEPRECIATED, def="ascii") String encoding, ex: utf_16_le for Microsoft Unicode. :type fuzzable: bool :param fuzzable: (Optional, def=True) Enable/disable fuzzing of this primitive :type max_len: int :param max_len: (Optional, def=0) Maximum string length :type name: str :param name: (Optional, def=None) Specifying a name gives you direct access to a primitive """ blocks.CURRENT.push(FromFile(name=name, default_value=value, max_len=max_len, filename=filename, fuzzable=fuzzable))
def s_float( value=0.0, s_format=".1f", f_min=0.0, f_max=100.0, max_mutations=1000, fuzzable=True, seed=None, encode_as_ieee_754=False, endian="big", name=None, ): """ Push a float onto the current block stack. :type value: float :param value: (Optional, def=0.0) Default float value :type s_format: str :param s_format: (Optional, def=".1f") Format of the float value after encoding. :type f_min: float :param f_min: (Optional, def=0.0) Min value of generated floats. :type f_max: float :param f_max: (Optional, def=100.0) Max value of generated floats. :type max_mutations: int :param max_mutations: (Optional, def=1000) Total number of mutations for this individual primitive :type fuzzable: bool :param fuzzable: (Optional, def=True) Enable/disable fuzzing of this primitive :type seed: int or str or bytes or bytearray :param seed: (Optional, def=None) Set random.seed() with the given seed for reproducible results :type encode_as_ieee_754: bool :param encode_as_ieee_754: (Optional, def=False) Enable/disable encoding as IEEE 754 float :type endian: str :param endian: (Optional, def='big') Set the endianness for IEEE 754 float :type name: str :param name: (Optional, def=None) Specifying a name gives you direct access to a primitive """ blocks.CURRENT.push( Float( name=name, default_value=value, s_format=s_format, f_min=f_min, f_max=f_max, max_mutations=max_mutations, fuzzable=fuzzable, seed=seed, encode_as_ieee_754=encode_as_ieee_754, endian=endian, ) ) # noinspection PyTypeChecker
[docs] def s_bit_field( value=0, width=8, endian=LITTLE_ENDIAN, output_format="binary", signed=False, full_range=False, fuzzable=True, name=None, fuzz_values=None, ): """ Push a variable length bit field onto the current block stack. :see: Aliases: s_bit(), s_bits() :type value: int :param value: (Optional, def=0) Default integer value :type width: int :param width: (Optional, def=8) Width of bit fields :type endian: Character :param endian: (Optional, def=LITTLE_ENDIAN) Endianness of the bit field (LITTLE_ENDIAN: <, BIG_ENDIAN: >) :type output_format: str :param output_format: (Optional, def=binary) Output format, "binary" or "ascii" :type signed: bool :param signed: (Optional, def=False) Make size signed vs. unsigned (applicable only with format="ascii") :type full_range: bool :param full_range: (Optional, def=False) If enabled the field mutates through *all* possible values. :type fuzzable: bool :param fuzzable: (Optional, def=True) Enable/disable fuzzing of this primitive :type name: str :param name: (Optional, def=None) Specifying a name gives you direct access to a primitive :type fuzz_values: list :param fuzz_values: List of custom fuzz values to add to the normal mutations. """ blocks.CURRENT.push( BitField( name=name, default_value=value, width=width, endian=endian, output_format=output_format, signed=signed, full_range=full_range, fuzzable=fuzzable, fuzz_values=fuzz_values, ) )
[docs] def s_byte( value=0, endian=LITTLE_ENDIAN, output_format="binary", signed=False, full_range=False, fuzzable=True, name=None, fuzz_values=None, ): """ Push a byte onto the current block stack. :see: Aliases: s_char() :type value: int|byte :param value: (Optional, def=0) Default integer value :type endian: Character :param endian: (Optional, def=LITTLE_ENDIAN) Endianess of the bit field (LITTLE_ENDIAN: <, BIG_ENDIAN: >) :type output_format: str :param output_format: (Optional, def=binary) Output format, "binary" or "ascii" :type signed: bool :param signed: (Optional, def=False) Make size signed vs. unsigned (applicable only with format="ascii") :type full_range: bool :param full_range: (Optional, def=False) If enabled the field mutates through *all* possible values. :type fuzzable: bool :param fuzzable: (Optional, def=True) Enable/disable fuzzing of this primitive :type name: str :param name: (Optional, def=None) Specifying a name gives you direct access to a primitive :type fuzz_values: list :param fuzz_values: List of custom fuzz values to add to the normal mutations. """ blocks.CURRENT.push( Byte( endian=endian, output_format=output_format, signed=signed, full_range=full_range, name=name, default_value=value, fuzzable=fuzzable, fuzz_values=fuzz_values, ) )
[docs] def s_bytes(value=b"", size=None, padding=b"\x00", fuzzable=True, max_len=None, name=None): """ Push a bytes field of arbitrary length onto the current block stack. :type value: bytes :param value: (Optional, def=b"")Default binary value :type size: int :param size: (Optional, def=None) Static size of this field, leave None for dynamic. :type padding: chr :param padding: (Optional, def=b"\\x00") Value to use as padding to fill static field size. :type fuzzable: bool :param fuzzable: (Optional, def=True) Enable/disable fuzzing of this primitive :type max_len: int :param max_len: (Optional, def=None) Maximum string length :type name: str :param name: (Optional, def=None) Specifying a name gives you direct access to a primitive """ blocks.CURRENT.push( Bytes(name=name, default_value=value, size=size, padding=padding, max_len=max_len, fuzzable=fuzzable) )
[docs] def s_word( value=0, endian=LITTLE_ENDIAN, output_format="binary", signed=False, full_range=False, fuzzable=True, name=None, fuzz_values=None, ): """ Push a word onto the current block stack. :see: Aliases: s_short() :type value: (Optional, def=0) int :param value: Default integer value :type endian: chr :param endian: (Optional, def=LITTLE_ENDIAN) Endianess of the bit field (LITTLE_ENDIAN: <, BIG_ENDIAN: >) :type output_format: str :param output_format: (Optional, def=binary) Output format, "binary" or "ascii" :type signed: bool :param signed: (Optional, def=False) Make size signed vs. unsigned (applicable only with format="ascii") :type full_range: bool :param full_range: (Optional, def=False) If enabled the field mutates through *all* possible values. :type fuzzable: bool :param fuzzable: (Optional, def=True) Enable/disable fuzzing of this primitive :type name: str :param name: (Optional, def=None) Specifying a name gives you direct access to a primitive :type fuzz_values: list :param fuzz_values: List of custom fuzz values to add to the normal mutations. """ blocks.CURRENT.push( Word( endian=endian, output_format=output_format, signed=signed, full_range=full_range, name=name, default_value=value, fuzzable=fuzzable, fuzz_values=fuzz_values, ) )
[docs] def s_dword( value=0, endian=LITTLE_ENDIAN, output_format="binary", signed=False, full_range=False, fuzzable=True, name=None, fuzz_values=None, ): """ Push a double word onto the current block stack. :see: Aliases: s_long(), s_int() :type value: (Optional, def=0) int :param value: Default integer value :type endian: Character :param endian: (Optional, def=LITTLE_ENDIAN) Endianess of the bit field (LITTLE_ENDIAN: <, BIG_ENDIAN: >) :type output_format: str :param output_format: (Optional, def=binary) Output format, "binary" or "ascii" :type signed: bool :param signed: (Optional, def=False) Make size signed vs. unsigned (applicable only with format="ascii") :type full_range: bool :param full_range: (Optional, def=False) If enabled the field mutates through *all* possible values. :type fuzzable: bool :param fuzzable: (Optional, def=True) Enable/disable fuzzing of this primitive :type name: str :param name: (Optional, def=None) Specifying a name gives you direct access to a primitive :type fuzz_values: list :param fuzz_values: List of custom fuzz values to add to the normal mutations. """ blocks.CURRENT.push( DWord( endian=endian, output_format=output_format, signed=signed, full_range=full_range, name=name, default_value=value, fuzzable=fuzzable, fuzz_values=fuzz_values, ) )
[docs] def s_qword( value=0, endian=LITTLE_ENDIAN, output_format="binary", signed=False, full_range=False, fuzzable=True, name=None, fuzz_values=None, ): """ Push a quad word onto the current block stack. :see: Aliases: s_double() :type value: (Optional, def=0) int :param value: Default integer value :type endian: Character :param endian: (Optional, def=LITTLE_ENDIAN) Endianess of the bit field (LITTLE_ENDIAN: <, BIG_ENDIAN: >) :type output_format: str :param output_format: (Optional, def=binary) Output format, "binary" or "ascii" :type signed: bool :param signed: (Optional, def=False) Make size signed vs. unsigned (applicable only with format="ascii") :type full_range: bool :param full_range: (Optional, def=False) If enabled the field mutates through *all* possible values. :type fuzzable: bool :param fuzzable: (Optional, def=True) Enable/disable fuzzing of this primitive :type name: str :param name: (Optional, def=None) Specifying a name gives you direct access to a primitive :type fuzz_values: list :param fuzz_values: List of custom fuzz values to add to the normal mutations. """ blocks.CURRENT.push( QWord( endian=endian, output_format=output_format, signed=signed, full_range=full_range, name=name, default_value=value, fuzzable=fuzzable, fuzz_values=fuzz_values, ) )
# ALIASES s_dunno = s_raw = s_unknown = s_static s_sizer = s_size s_bit = s_bits = s_bit_field s_char = s_byte s_short = s_word s_long = s_int = s_dword s_double = s_qword s_repeater = s_repeat def s_intelword(*args, **kwargs): defaults = {"endian": "LITTLE_ENDIAN"} defaults.update(kwargs) return s_long(*args, **defaults) def s_intelhalfword(*args, **kwargs): defaults = {"endian": "LITTLE_ENDIAN"} defaults.update(kwargs) return s_short(*args, **defaults) def s_bigword(*args, **kwargs): defaults = {"endian": "BIG_ENDIAN"} defaults.update(kwargs) return s_long(*args, **defaults) def s_cstring(x): s_string(x) s_static("\x00") # Not implemented aliases yet def not_impl(alias, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("%s isn't implemented yet. Args -> %s. Kwargs -> %s" % (alias, args, kwargs)) s_string_lf = functools.partial(not_impl, "s_string_lf") s_string_or_env = functools.partial(not_impl, "s_string_or_env") s_string_repeat = functools.partial(not_impl, "s_string_repeat") s_string_variable = functools.partial(not_impl, "s_string_variable") s_string_variables = functools.partial(not_impl, "s_string_variables") s_binary_repeat = functools.partial(not_impl, "s_binary_repeat") s_unistring_variable = functools.partial(not_impl, "s_unistring_variable") s_xdr_string = functools.partial(not_impl, "s_xdr_string") def no_sizer(*args, **kwargs): _ = kwargs # just making the function univesral raise exception.SizerNotUtilizedError("Use the s_size primitive for including sizes. Args -> %s" % args) # A bunch of un-defined primitives from SPIKE s_binary_block_size_intel_halfword_plus_variable = no_sizer s_binary_block_size_halfword_bigendian_variable = no_sizer s_binary_block_size_word_bigendian_plussome = no_sizer s_binary_block_size_word_bigendian_variable = no_sizer s_binary_block_size_halfword_bigendian_mult = no_sizer s_binary_block_size_intel_halfword_variable = no_sizer s_binary_block_size_intel_halfword_mult = no_sizer s_binary_block_size_intel_halfword_plus = no_sizer s_binary_block_size_halfword_bigendian = no_sizer s_binary_block_size_word_intel_mult_plus = no_sizer s_binary_block_size_intel_word_variable = no_sizer s_binary_block_size_word_bigendian_mult = no_sizer s_blocksize_unsigned_string_variable = no_sizer s_binary_block_size_intel_word_plus = no_sizer s_binary_block_size_intel_halfword = no_sizer s_binary_block_size_word_bigendian = no_sizer s_blocksize_signed_string_variable = no_sizer s_binary_block_size_byte_variable = no_sizer s_binary_block_size_intel_word = no_sizer s_binary_block_size_byte_plus = no_sizer s_binary_block_size_byte_mult = no_sizer s_blocksize_asciihex_variable = no_sizer s_binary_block_size_byte = no_sizer s_blocksize_asciihex = no_sizer s_blocksize_string = no_sizer # MISC def s_hex_dump(data, addr=0): """ Return the hex dump of the supplied data starting at the offset address specified. :type data: Raw :param data: Data to show hex dump of :type addr: int :param addr: (Optional, def=0) Offset to start displaying hex dump addresses from :rtype: str :return: Hex dump of raw data """ dump = byte_slice = "" for byte in data: if addr % 16 == 0: dump += " " for char in byte_slice: if 32 <= ord(char) <= 126: dump += char else: dump += "." dump += "\n%04x: " % addr byte_slice = "" dump += "%02x " % ord(byte) byte_slice += byte addr += 1 remainder = addr % 16 if remainder != 0: dump += " " * (16 - remainder) + " " for char in byte_slice: if 32 <= ord(char) <= 126: dump += char else: dump += "." return dump + "\n"