Source code for boofuzz.monitors.pedrpc

import errno
import pickle
import select
import socket
import struct
import sys
import time
import uuid

from boofuzz import exception

[docs] class Client: def __init__(self, host, port): self.__host = host self.__port = port self.__dbg_flag = False self.__server_sock = None self.__retry = 0 self.NOLINGER = struct.pack("ii", 1, 0) self.known_server = None def __getattr__(self, method_name): """ This routine is called by default when a requested attribute (or method) is accessed that has no definition. Unfortunately __getattr__ only passes the requested method name and not the arguments. So we extend the functionality with a little lambda magic to the routine method_missing(). Which is actually how Ruby handles missing methods by default ... with arguments. Now we are just as cool as Ruby. @type method_name: str @param method_name: The name of the requested and undefined attribute (or method in our case). @rtype: lambda @return: Lambda magic passing control (and in turn the arguments we want) to self.method_missing(). """ return lambda *args, **kwargs: self.__method_missing(method_name, *args, **kwargs) def __connect(self): """ Connect to the PED-RPC server. """ # if we have a pre-existing server socket, ensure it's closed. self.__disconnect() # connect to the server, timeout on failure. self.__server_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.__server_sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) self.__server_sock.settimeout(3.0) try: self.__server_sock.connect((self.__host, self.__port)) except socket.error as e: if self.__retry != 5: self.__retry += 1 time.sleep(5) self.__connect() else: raise exception.BoofuzzRpcError( 'PED-RPC> unable to connect to server {0}:{1}. Error message: "{2}"\n'.format( self.__host, self.__port, e ) ) # disable timeouts and lingering. self.__server_sock.settimeout(None) self.__server_sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_LINGER, self.NOLINGER) def __disconnect(self): """ Ensure the socket is torn down. """ if self.__server_sock is not None: self.__debug("closing server socket") self.__server_sock.close() self.__server_sock = None def __debug(self, msg): if self.__dbg_flag: print("PED-RPC> %s" % msg) def __method_missing(self, method_name, *args, **kwargs): """ See the notes for __getattr__ for related notes. This method is called, in the Ruby fashion, with the method name and arguments for any requested but undefined class method. @type method_name: str @param method_name: The name of the requested and undefined attribute (or method in our case). @type *args: tuple @param *args: Tuple of arguments. @type **kwargs dict @param **kwargs: Dictioanry of arguments. @rtype: Mixed @return: Return value of the mirrored method. """ # return a value so lines of code like the following work: # x = pedrpc.client(host, port) # if x: # x.do_something() if method_name == "__bool__": return 1 # subclasses run into this as they call a trampoline method... # not sure if this is the right way to handle it, but it seems to work if method_name.endswith("__method_missing"): return self.__method_missing(*args, **kwargs) elif method_name.endswith("__hot_transmit"): return self.__hot_transmit(*args, **kwargs) # ignore all other attempts to access a private member. if method_name.startswith("__"): return # connect to the PED-RPC server. self.__connect() server_uuid = self.__pickle_recv() if server_uuid != self.known_server: self.on_new_server(server_uuid) self.known_server = server_uuid # transmit the method name and arguments. self.__pickle_send((method_name, (args, kwargs))) # snag the return value. ret = self.__pickle_recv() # close the sock and return. self.__disconnect() return ret def __hot_transmit(self, data): self.__pickle_send(data) self.__pickle_recv() self.__disconnect() self.__connect() # Grab the instance id. assume it hasn't changed, otherwise we're doomed. self.__pickle_recv() def __pickle_recv(self): """ This routine is used for marshaling arbitrary data from the PyDbg server. We can send pretty much anything here. For example a tuple containing integers, strings, arbitrary objects and structures. Our "protocol" is a simple length-value protocol where each datagram is prefixed by a 4-byte length of the data to be received. @raise pdx: An exception is raised if the connection was severed. @rtype: Mixed @return: Whatever is received over the socket. """ try: # TODO: this should NEVER fail, but alas, it does and for the time being i can't figure out why. # it gets worse. you would think that simply returning here would break things, but it doesn't. # gotta track this down at some point. recvd = self.__server_sock.recv(4) length = struct.unpack("<L", recvd)[0] except Exception: return try: received = b"" while length: chunk = self.__server_sock.recv(length) received += chunk length -= len(chunk) except socket.error as e: raise exception.BoofuzzRpcError( "PED-RPC> unable to connect to server " '{0}:{1}. Error message: "{2}"\n'.format(self.__host, self.__port, e) ) return pickle.loads(received) def __pickle_send(self, data): """ This routine is used for marshaling arbitrary data to the PyDbg server. We can send pretty much anything here. For example a tuple containing integers, strings, arbitrary objects and structures. Our "protocol" is a simple length-value protocol where each datagram is prefixed by a 4-byte length of the data to be received. @type data: Mixed @param data: Data to marshal and transmit. Data can *pretty much* contain anything you throw at it. @raise pdx: An exception is raised if the connection was severed. """ data = pickle.dumps(data, protocol=2) self.__debug("sending %d bytes" % len(data)) try: self.__server_sock.send(struct.pack("<L", len(data))) self.__server_sock.send(data) except socket.error as e: raise exception.BoofuzzRpcError( "PED-RPC> unable to connect to server " '{0}:{1}. Error message: "{2}"\n'.format(self.__host, self.__port, e) )
[docs] def on_new_server(self, new_server): """Override this Method in a child class to be notified when the RPC server was restarted.""" return
[docs] class Server: """ The main PED-RPC Server class. To implement an RPC server, inherit from this class. Call ``serve_forever`` to start listening for RPC commands. """ def __init__(self, host, port): self.__host = host self.__port = port self.__dbg_flag = False self.__client_sock = None self.__client_address = None self.__running = True # This is a bad solution for a problem that should not even exist in the first place. # The Problem is that the client disconnects after each RPC call, # and reconnects on the next without any way to know if the state # of the RPC server has changed. This becomes a problem if e.g. # a Virtual Machine with automatic restarting is used in conjunction # with a Monitor that runs a RPC daemon on the target. In this case, # a monitor may want to ensure that a set of options are in a known # state on the target. # For this to work, the client needs to know if the server has changed # since the last time it connected to it so it can notify the implementation # to re-send any initialisation code. This is implemented by the server # generating a random uuid on startup and sending it to each new connection. # # In a perfect world, this protocol wouldn't reconnect for every command # and options were associated with a connection, but at the moment I don't # feel like cleaning up this mess. self.__instance = uuid.uuid4() try: # create a socket and bind to the specified port. self.__server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.__server.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) self.__server.settimeout(None) self.__server.bind((host, port)) self.__server.listen(1) except socket.error: sys.stderr.write("unable to bind to %s:%d\n" % (host, port)) sys.exit(1) def __disconnect(self): """ Ensure the socket is torn down. """ if self.__client_sock is not None: self.__debug("closing client socket") try: self.__client_sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) except socket.error as e: if e.errno in [errno.ENOTCONN, errno.EBADF]: pass else: raise self.__client_sock.close() def __debug(self, msg): if self.__dbg_flag: print("PED-RPC> %s" % msg) def __pickle_recv(self): """ This routine is used for marshaling arbitrary data from the PyDbg server. We can send pretty much anything here. For example a tuple containing integers, strings, arbitrary objects and structures. Our "protocol" is a simple length-value protocol where each datagram is prefixed by a 4-byte length of the data to be received. @raise pdx: An exception is raised if the connection was severed. @rtype: Mixed @return: Whatever is received over the socket. """ try: length = struct.unpack("<L", self.__client_sock.recv(4))[0] received = b"" while length: chunk = self.__client_sock.recv(length) received += chunk length -= len(chunk) except Exception: sys.stderr.write("PED-RPC> connection client severed during recv()\n") raise Exception return pickle.loads(received) def __pickle_send(self, data): """ This routine is used for marshaling arbitrary data to the PyDbg server. We can send pretty much anything here. For example a tuple containing integers, strings, arbitrary objects and structures. Our "protocol" is a simple length-value protocol where each datagram is prefixed by a 4-byte length of the data to be received. @type data: Mixed @param data: Data to marshal and transmit. Data can *pretty much* contain anything you throw at it. @raise pdx: An exception is raised if the connection was severed. """ data = pickle.dumps(data, protocol=2) self.__debug("sending %d bytes" % len(data)) try: self.__client_sock.send(struct.pack("<L", len(data))) self.__client_sock.send(data) except Exception: sys.stderr.write("PED-RPC> connection to client severed during send()\n") raise Exception
[docs] def serve_forever(self): self.__debug("serving up a storm") while self.__running: # close any pre-existing socket. self.__disconnect() # accept a client connection. while self.__running: readable, writeable, errored =[self.__server], [], [], 0.1) if len(readable) > 0: assert readable[0] == self.__server (self.__client_sock, self.__client_address) = self.__server.accept() break self.__debug("accepted connection from %s:%d" % (self.__client_address[0], self.__client_address[1])) self.__pickle_send(self.__instance) # receive the method name and arguments, continue on socket disconnect. try: (method_name, (args, kwargs)) = self.__pickle_recv() self.__debug("%s(args=%s, kwargs=%s)" % (method_name, args, kwargs)) except Exception: continue try: method = getattr(self, method_name) except AttributeError: # if the method can't be found notify the user and raise an error sys.stderr.write('PED-RPC> remote method "{0}" of {1} cannot be found\n'.format(method_name, self)) raise ret = method(*args, **kwargs) # transmit the return value to the client, continue on socket disconnect. try: self.__pickle_send(ret) except Exception: continue
[docs] def stop(self): self.__running = False self.__disconnect() try: self.__server.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) except socket.error as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOTCONN: pass else: raise self.__server.close()