Source code for boofuzz.connections.ssl_socket_connection

import ssl

from boofuzz import exception
from boofuzz.connections import tcp_socket_connection

[docs] class SSLSocketConnection(tcp_socket_connection.TCPSocketConnection): """BaseSocketConnection implementation for use with SSL Sockets. .. versionadded:: 0.2.0 Args: host (str): Hostname or IP adress of target system. port (int): Port of target service. send_timeout (float): Seconds to wait for send before timing out. Default 5.0. recv_timeout (float): Seconds to wait for recv before timing out. Default 5.0. server (bool): Set to True to enable server side fuzzing. sslcontext (ssl.SSLContext): Python SSL context to be used. Required if server=True or server_hostname=None. server_hostname (string): server_hostname, required for verifying identity of remote SSL/TLS server """ def __init__( self, host, port, send_timeout=5.0, recv_timeout=5.0, server=False, sslcontext=None, server_hostname=None ): super(SSLSocketConnection, self).__init__(host, port, send_timeout, recv_timeout, server) self.sslcontext = sslcontext self.server_hostname = server_hostname if self.server is True and self.sslcontext is None: raise ValueError("Parameter sslcontext is required when server=True.") if self.sslcontext is None and self.server_hostname is None: raise ValueError("SSL/TLS requires either sslcontext or server_hostname to be set.")
[docs] def open(self): # If boofuzz is the SSL client and user did not give us a SSLContext, # then we just use a default one. if self.server is False and self.sslcontext is None: self.sslcontext = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.SERVER_AUTH) self.sslcontext.check_hostname = True self.sslcontext.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED super(SSLSocketConnection, self)._open_socket() # Create SSL socket try: self._sock = self.sslcontext.wrap_socket( self._sock, server_side=self.server, server_hostname=self.server_hostname ) except ssl.SSLError as e: self.close() raise exception.BoofuzzTargetConnectionFailedError(str(e)) except AttributeError: # No SSL context set pass super(SSLSocketConnection, self)._connect_socket()
[docs] def recv(self, max_bytes): """ Receive up to max_bytes data from the target. Args: max_bytes (int): Maximum number of bytes to receive. Returns: Received data. """ data = b"" try: data = super(SSLSocketConnection, self).recv(max_bytes) except ssl.SSLError as e: # If an SSL error is thrown the connection should be treated as lost # All other exceptions should be handled / raised / re-raised by the parent class. raise exception.BoofuzzSSLError(str(e)) return data
[docs] def send(self, data): """ Send data to the target. Only valid after calling open! Args: data: Data to send. Returns: int: Number of bytes actually sent. """ num_sent = 0 if len(data) > 0: try: num_sent = super(SSLSocketConnection, self).send(data) except ssl.SSLError as e: # If an SSL error is thrown the connection should be treated as lost. # All other exceptions should be handled / raised / re-raised by the parent class. raise exception.BoofuzzSSLError(str(e)) return num_sent