Source code for boofuzz.fuzz_logger_curses

import atexit
import sys
import time
import warnings

from io import StringIO

    import curses  # pytype: disable=import-error
except ImportError:
    # Allow fuzz_logger_curses to be imported on Windows -- will fail if you try to use it.
    warnings.warn("Importing curses failed. Optional console GUI features will not be available.", UserWarning)
    curses = None

import signal
import threading

from math import *
from shutil import get_terminal_size
from . import helpers
from . import ifuzz_logger_backend



[docs] class FuzzLoggerCurses(ifuzz_logger_backend.IFuzzLoggerBackend): """ This class formats FuzzLogger data for a console GUI using curses. This hasn't been tested on Windows. """ INDENT_SIZE = 2 def __init__( self, web_port=26000, web_address="localhost", window_height=40, window_width=130, auto_scroll=True, max_log_lines=500, wait_on_quit=True, min_refresh_rate=1000, bytes_to_str=helpers.hex_to_hexstr, ): """ :type web_port: int :param web_port: Webinterface port. Default 26000 :type window_height: int :param window_height: Default console height, set to on startup. Default 40 :type window_width: int :param window_width: Default console width, set to on startup. Default 130 :type auto_scroll: bool :param auto_scroll: Whether to auto-scroll the cases and crashed windows to always display the last line if there are too many lines to display all of them. Default True :type max_log_lines: int :param max_log_lines: Maximum log lines to keep in the internal storage. Additional lines exceeding this limit will not be displayed. Default 500 :type wait_on_quit: bool :param wait_on_quit: Whether to keep the GUI open and wait for user-input when the main thread is about to exit. Default True :type min_refresh_rate: int :param min_refresh_rate: The delay between two checks for a resize of the terminal in milliseconds. Increment 100 ms. Default 1000 ms :type bytes_to_str: function :param bytes_to_str: Function that converts sent/received bytes data to string for logging. """ self._title = "boofuzz" self._web_port = web_port self._web_address = web_address self._max_log_lines = max_log_lines self._auto_scroll = auto_scroll self._current_data = None self._log_storage = [] self._fail_storage = [] self._wait_on_quit = wait_on_quit self._quit = False self._status = STATUS_RUNNING self._refresh_interval = min_refresh_rate self._event_resize = True self._event_log = False self._event_case_close = False self._event_crash = False self._total_index = 0 self._total_num_mutations = 0 self._current_name = "" self._current_index = 0 self._current_num_mutations = 0 self._format_raw_bytes = bytes_to_str self._version = helpers.get_boofuzz_version() # Resize console to minimum size self._width, self._height = get_terminal_size() if self._height < window_height or self._width < window_width: print("\x1b[8;{};{}t".format(window_height, window_width)) self._height, self._width = window_height, window_width self._height_old = 0 self._width_old = 0 self._min_size_ok = True sys.stdout = sys.stderr = self._std_buffer = StringIO() atexit.register(self._cleanup) self._stdscr = curses.initscr() curses.start_color() curses.use_default_colors() curses.noecho() curses.curs_set(0) self._stdscr.nodelay(True) # Curses color pairs curses.init_pair(COLOR_PAIR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_WHITE, -1) curses.init_pair(COLOR_PAIR_CYAN, curses.COLOR_CYAN, -1) curses.init_pair(COLOR_PAIR_RED, curses.COLOR_RED, -1) curses.init_pair(COLOR_PAIR_YELLOW, curses.COLOR_YELLOW, -1) curses.init_pair(COLOR_PAIR_GREEN, curses.COLOR_GREEN, -1) curses.init_pair(COLOR_PAIR_MAGENTA, curses.COLOR_MAGENTA, -1) curses.init_pair(COLOR_PAIR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_WHITE) # Start thread and restore the original SIGWINCH handler self._draw_thread = threading.Thread(name="curses_logger", target=self._draw_screen) self._draw_thread.setDaemon(True) current_signal_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGWINCH) self._draw_thread.start() signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, current_signal_handler) def _cleanup(self): self._wait_on_quit = False self.close_test() sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__ sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ print(self._std_buffer.getvalue()) self._std_buffer.close()
[docs] def open_test_case(self, test_case_id, name, index, *args, **kwargs): self._log_storage = [] self._current_name = name self._total_index = index if "current_index" in kwargs: self._current_index = kwargs["current_index"] if "current_num_mutations" in kwargs: self._current_num_mutations = kwargs["current_num_mutations"] if "num_mutations" in kwargs: self._total_num_mutations = kwargs["num_mutations"] self._log_storage.append( helpers.format_log_msg(msg_type="test_case", description=test_case_id, format_type="curses") ) self._event_log = True
[docs] def open_test_step(self, description): self._log_storage.append(helpers.format_log_msg(msg_type="step", description=description, format_type="curses")) self._event_log = True
[docs] def log_info(self, description): self._log_storage.append(helpers.format_log_msg(msg_type="info", description=description, format_type="curses")) self._event_log = True
[docs] def log_check(self, description): self._log_storage.append( helpers.format_log_msg(msg_type="check", description=description, format_type="curses") ) self._event_log = True
[docs] def log_pass(self, description=""): self._log_storage.append(helpers.format_log_msg(msg_type="pass", description=description, format_type="curses")) self._event_log = True
[docs] def log_fail(self, description="", indent_size=INDENT_SIZE): # TODO: Why do some fail messages have a trailing whitespace? fail_msg = ( "#" + str(self._total_index) + (4 * indent_size + 1 - len(str(self._total_index))) * " " + description.strip() ) self._fail_storage.append([fail_msg.replace("\n", " "), COLOR_PAIR_WHITE]) self._log_storage.append(helpers.format_log_msg(msg_type="fail", description=description, format_type="curses")) self._event_crash = True self._event_log = True
[docs] def log_error(self, description="", indent_size=INDENT_SIZE): fail_msg = ( "#" + str(self._total_index) + (4 * indent_size + 1 - len(str(self._total_index))) * " " + description.strip() ) self._fail_storage.append([fail_msg.replace("\n", " "), COLOR_PAIR_RED]) self._log_storage.append( helpers.format_log_msg(msg_type="error", description=description, format_type="curses") ) self._event_crash = True self._event_log = True
[docs] def log_recv(self, data): self._log_storage.append(helpers.format_log_msg(msg_type="receive", data=data, format_type="curses")) self._event_log = True
[docs] def log_send(self, data): self._log_storage.append(helpers.format_log_msg(msg_type="send", data=data, format_type="curses")) self._event_log = True
[docs] def close_test_case(self): self._event_case_close = True
[docs] def close_test(self): self._status = STATUS_DONE self._quit = True try: if self._wait_on_quit: self._draw_thread.join() else: self._draw_thread.join(max(0.2, self._refresh_interval * 3)) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: self._wait_on_quit = False curses.nocbreak() self._stdscr.keypad(False) curses.echo() curses.endwin()
def _draw_main(self, force=False): self._width, self._height = get_terminal_size() if not force and self._width == self._width_old and self._height == self._height_old: return self._height_old = self._height self._width_old = self._width curses.resizeterm(self._height, self._width) self._stdscr.erase() if self._height < 40 or self._width < 130: self._min_size_ok = False return else: self._min_size_ok = True # Render title self._stdscr.addstr(0, 0, "=" * self._width) start_x_title = int((self._width // 2) - (len(self._title) // 2) - len(self._title) % 2) self._stdscr.addstr(0, start_x_title, self._title, curses.color_pair(COLOR_PAIR_CYAN) | curses.A_BOLD) # Render status bar self._stdscr.attron(curses.color_pair(COLOR_PAIR_BLACK)) self._stdscr.addstr(self._height - 1, 0, " " * (self._width - 1)) self._stdscr.insch(" ") # Fill bottom right corner if self._quit: self._stdscr.addstr( self._height - 1, 1, "Press 'q' to quit", curses.color_pair(COLOR_PAIR_BLACK) | curses.A_BLINK ) else: self._stdscr.addstr(self._height - 1, 1, "Press 'CTRL+C' to abort") self._stdscr.addstr(self._height - 1, self._width - len(self._version) - 1, self._version) self._stdscr.attroff(curses.color_pair(COLOR_PAIR_BLACK)) self._stdscr.refresh() # Initialise test case window self._casescr_frame = curses.newpad(self._max_log_lines + 1, self._width) self._casescr_frame.nodelay(True) self._casescr_frame.border() self._casescr_frame.addstr(0, 1, "Test case log", curses.color_pair(COLOR_PAIR_YELLOW) | curses.A_BOLD) self._casescr_frame.refresh(0, 0, 1, 0, self._height - 18, self._width) self._casescr = self._casescr_frame.subpad(self._max_log_lines, self._width - 2, 1, 1) self._draw_case() # Initialise crash window self._crashescr_frame = curses.newpad(self._max_log_lines + 1, self._width) self._crashescr_frame.nodelay(True) self._crashescr_frame.border() self._crashescr_frame.addstr(0, 1, "Crashes", curses.color_pair(COLOR_PAIR_RED) | curses.A_BOLD) self._crashescr_frame.refresh(0, 0, self._height - 17, 0, self._height - 8, self._width) self._crashescr = self._crashescr_frame.subpad(self._max_log_lines, self._width - 2, 1, 1) self._draw_crash() # Initialise status window self._statscr = curses.newwin(6, self._width, self._height - 7, 0) self._statscr.nodelay(True) self._statscr.border() self._statscr.addstr(0, 1, "Status", curses.color_pair(COLOR_PAIR_CYAN) | curses.A_BOLD) self._draw_stat() def _draw_case(self, indent_size=INDENT_SIZE): # Test Case Screen # TODO: Handle longer indent for multi-line 'fail' messages self._casescr.erase() total_indent_size = indent_size * 2 + 1 + 25 _render_pad( lines=self._log_storage[: self._max_log_lines], pad=self._casescr, y_min=2, x_min=1, y_max=self._height - 18, x_max=self._width - 1, max_lines=self._max_log_lines, total_indent_size=total_indent_size, auto_scroll=self._auto_scroll, ) def _draw_crash(self, indent_size=INDENT_SIZE): # Crashes Screen total_indent_size = indent_size * 5 _render_pad( lines=self._fail_storage[: self._max_log_lines], pad=self._crashescr, y_min=self._height - 16, x_min=1, y_max=self._height - 8, x_max=self._width - 1, max_lines=self._max_log_lines, total_indent_size=total_indent_size, auto_scroll=self._auto_scroll, truncate_long_lines=True, ) def _draw_stat(self): # Status Screen self._indent_size = 16 self._statscr.addstr(1, 1, "Webinterface:") self._statscr.addstr(1, self._indent_size, "{}:{}".format(self._web_address, self._web_port)) self._statscr.addstr(2, 1, "Case:") # fmt: off self._statscr.addstr(2, self._indent_size, _progess_bar(self._current_index, self._current_num_mutations, self._width - self._indent_size)) self._statscr.addstr(3, 1, "Total:") self._statscr.addstr(3, self._indent_size, _progess_bar(self._total_index, self._total_num_mutations, self._width - self._indent_size)) # fmt: on # TODO: Get paused flag from sessions if self._status == STATUS_RUNNING: self._statscr.addstr(4, 1, "Status:") self._statscr.addstr(4, self._indent_size, "Running", curses.color_pair(COLOR_PAIR_YELLOW)) elif self._status == STATUS_PAUSED: self._statscr.addstr(4, 1, "Status:") self._statscr.addstr(4, self._indent_size, "Paused ", curses.color_pair(COLOR_PAIR_RED) | curses.A_BLINK) elif self._status == STATUS_DONE: self._statscr.addstr(4, 1, "Status:") self._statscr.addstr(4, self._indent_size, "Done ", curses.color_pair(COLOR_PAIR_GREEN)) self._statscr.refresh() def _draw_screen(self): error_counter = 0 ms_since_refresh = 0 key = 0 wait_for_key = False try: while not ((key == ord("q") or not self._wait_on_quit) and self._quit): try: if self._event_resize or ms_since_refresh >= self._refresh_interval: self._draw_main() ms_since_refresh = 0 self._event_resize = False if self._quit and not wait_for_key: self._draw_main(force=True) wait_for_key = True if self._min_size_ok: if self._event_log: self._draw_case() self._event_log = False if self._event_crash: self._draw_crash() self._event_crash = False if self._event_case_close: self._draw_stat() self._event_case_close = False key = self._stdscr.getch() curses.flushinp() time.sleep(0.1) ms_since_refresh += 100 error_counter = 0 except curses.error: error_counter += 1 if error_counter > 2: raise finally: curses.nocbreak() self._stdscr.keypad(False) curses.echo() curses.endwin()
def _progess_bar(current, total, width): try: percent = current / total except (ZeroDivisionError, TypeError): percent = 0 total = 0 title_str = "{:7d} of {:7d} ".format(current, total) percent_str = " {:7.3f}%".format(percent * 100) bar_len = width - 4 - len(title_str) - len(percent_str) num_bars = int(round(percent * bar_len)) bar_str = "[" + "=" * num_bars + " " * (bar_len - num_bars) + "]" return title_str + bar_str + percent_str def _render_pad( lines, pad, y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max, max_lines, total_indent_size, auto_scroll, truncate_long_lines=False ): total_rows = 0 height = y_max - y_min + 1 width = x_max - x_min for i in range(len(lines)): if total_rows < max_lines - 1: pad.addnstr(total_rows, 0, lines[i][0], width, curses.color_pair(lines[i][1])) total_rows += 1 else: pad.addstr( total_rows, 0, "Maximum number of lines reached for this window! Increase 'max_log_lines'", curses.color_pair(COLOR_PAIR_RED), ) total_rows += 1 break if not truncate_long_lines: columns = width - total_indent_size rows = int(ceil(len(lines[i][0][width:]) / columns)) if rows >= 1: for row in range(1, rows + 1): if total_rows < max_lines - 1: pad.addstr( total_rows, total_indent_size, lines[i][0][width:][(row * columns) - columns : row * columns], curses.color_pair(lines[i][1]), ) total_rows += 1 else: break if total_rows > height and auto_scroll: offset = total_rows - height pad.refresh(offset, 0, y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max) else: pad.refresh(0, 0, y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max)